<=== Noob here.. my story...

by Stash Daytripper 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stash Daytripper
    Stash Daytripper

    It was asked of me in chat to post my story here. I had plans to do so.. but wanted to meet everyone in real chat first.

    First off... any info i post about myslef will put me at a great disadvantage on these boards.. so if you could please relpy.. tell me your story as well.

    ok where to start...

    I grew up, like most JW's, in a troubled home. My mother and father were split before i was born. Both are to this day.. raging alcoholics. My father was a little more "stable" with his drinking. My mother on the other hand only got worse. Both remarried after their divorce.
    The man my mother remarried was a brilliant and patient man. After being shunned by my real father as being .. "my mothers son" I looked up to this new rolemodel with renewed hope. To this day I continue my relationship with my step father and not my mother... there are reasons for this before you judge me.
    When i was 7.. the JW's made their first appearance to our door. Before this i absolutly CANNOT remember any concept of a "god" before that. My mother soaked it in.. and without question we started to attend meetings. My step father was reluctant at first.. but he went because he loved my mother. There was never a time he left her side.
    When i was 12 things began to change.. My mothers drug addiction, alcoholism and lack of caring began to shine through. I mean really bad.. we would goto sunday,tuesday,thursday meetings.. but then come home to all night kegers. It was also a time my step father became very active in the KH. My mother drifted away and he grew ever faithful. It was around this time I began to have a real problem with JW's. I watched my stepfather become blind to the actions of my mother... He would always tell me he need 2 witnesses for her cheating on him day in and day out to be true.. he had 1.. me.
    Last year he finally decided to divorce her after he saw with his own eyes.15 years in the making.
    At 13 i went to live with my real father... the violent drunk fool that he his.. it lasted 3 years.. I moved back into JW realm at 16.
    What i moved back into was a complete change.. My mother was disfellowshipped (of which she thought was perfectly OK because she had a drinking problem) My stepfather had become baptised... my sister was.. well my sister=P gotta know her folks she is the best!
    My brother had dreams of going to Bethel.
    Great!!! I say to myself this family is on somewhat of a track of normalcy. How wrong i was...
    At the age of 17 i got my first apartment and dropped out of school. I moved out of required JW attendance. No looking back... no guilt.. no troubles. It was to this day.. my second best decision ever.. my first was asking my wife to marry me.
    I have been married for 3 years now to my beautiful wife Amber. I work as an independent investor. I rehab houses and resell them. I have never considered myself a part of this "world" nor have i considered myself any part of any religion. I find it hard to beleive
    a kind and caring God would punish me for living good life.
    2 years ago my step father found my mother cheating on him. He was heart broken.. he no longer needed 2 withnesses. Last year, he finally announced to my sister and i that he has and always had a problem with JW beliefs. But that we, the children, needed the spiritual guidance. It was the a HUGE mistake on his part.

    I no longer keep in contact with my mother.. I cannot take the lies.. and I do not want to be around the drugs she is into. Sorry all. I smoke a nice bowl or 2 myslef and drink a beer.. but i draw the line at any cocaine use or heroine. I WILL not be a part or associated with anything that is PROVEN to kill you.

    The guilt and problems i face since being raised JW:

    1. biggest struggle i faced was cutting all ties to my mother.. until she can be sober enough to be coherent and truthful, I cannot and will not talk to her. This, for any JW or ex JW is a huge burden to carry.

    2. My brother is living in Bethel.. when he visits he drops me off all kinds of literature.. something i thought i was rid of. I struggle wtih the fact that he is taught to not visit me nor the family.. he can visit for a little bit.. but there is ALWAYS an agenda the elders give him when he comes into town.. if he doesn't follow it.. he is "frowned upon"

    3. What faith is there when you're first teachings of "god" are utter lies and cultism? I doubt i will ever truly find a firm faith in my lifetime.. no matter how hard you try it's difucult to shed those teachings. My parnets wouldn't let me watch TV.. i had to go to sleep EVERY night with "My Book of Bible Stories" on tape.

    These are things i was taught in my formidle years.. even though i've always had questions.. it's what i was raised on.. how do you overcome and shed that? This is my biggest question.. How do I move on?
    My second would be.. how the hell do i present these new found facts to my brother? The only one left who hasn't had a chance to read the facts, would it push him further into the faith.. or perhaps plant a seed?

    A little experience is what i need folks.. post it here=)

    My story,


  • BlackMan4Life

    Stash - Being here is a good start :)
    Peace My Brother - Larry

  • Stash Daytripper
    Stash Daytripper

    AS I'm learning.. it will take me weeks to read through all the information i found here in 2 days..

    Thanks all.


  • nelly136

    Nice to see you Stash,
    My dad used to drink a lot, I can remember my mum getting the elders round to councel him on his excessive habits, and her complaining about this stopping him reaching his elder status....or her elderettes status more like.
    I've been out about 18 years now I can truly say Ive never regretted it or had any desire to return, even though I left believing.
    Looking into the history of the jws which wasnt easy (preinternet) helped clear away the deeminz and the armageddon nightmares for me,
    Getting a computer and internet a couple of years ago put me in touch with a lot of other exs, it also made me face a lot of the things I'd tucked away and never faced,and it was nice to talk with people who'd actually been there and done that and could understand where I was coming from too,
    as for your brother I would avoid head on confrontation, that puts the shutters straight up and they get the glazed look and fixed chin expression, maybe you could try the occassional question in passing to
    trigger a bit of thinking. I've seen a lot of people recommend the Steven hassan books on combatting mind control and keeping communications open with relatives who are in high control situations.
    hope you stick around,

  • Prisca

    Hi Stash,

    Welcome to the DB. You are not alone in your experiences. As you get to know others here, and read their experiences, you will understand that everyone has a story to tell.

    The short version of my story goes something like this: born into the "truth", father was an elder, mother gets sick and dies, several years later father remarries, I get kicked out of home, then get baptised, leaves the "truth" several years later due to too many unanswerable questions and doubts about the WTS. Reads Crisis of Conscience and realises I have made the right decision.

    One thing that you said that struck me was this"

    3. What faith is there when you're first teachings of "god" are utter lies and cultism? I doubt i will ever truly find a firm faith in my lifetime.. no matter how hard you try it's difucult to shed those teachings.

    What you need to realise is that the angry and war-like God that was taught to you as a JW is not the real God that made the universe. I suggest that you strip back all your JW beliefs, and sort out what you personally do believe. You may be surprised with what you discover!

    And by the way, there isn't any time limit for discovering what you believe. The "end" isn't necessarily "just around the corner", so even if it takes you 10, 20, even 30 years to work out a belief system that is right for you, you don't have to rush it.

    Look forward to more of your comments and observations.

  • Stash Daytripper
    Stash Daytripper

    heh... A typing master I am not!


  • Tina

    Welcome Aboard Stash!!
    Thanks for sharing your story. Looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.
    Yep,lol,there is a lot to read here,but you'll find such diversity of thought it's never ever boring! Wishing you the best! Tina

    si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

  • lauralisa

    Welcome Stash,

    What struck me the most about your story is the number of times you have experienced abandonment.... either outright rejection, or the insidious threat of rejection. You have also had to endure people in authority over you either disregard or simply ignore situations that to you were simply wrong (by their definition, no less, even though you were an eyewitness.

    Sorry if the language offends, but I have always called this dilemma 'mind-fuck'... when two inconsistent realities collide like this and you have to play into their denials or risk consequences that affect your ability to feel "safe" in the world, it screws with your thinking. Conform or be cast out, etc.

    Add to this whole thing the elements of addiction and its whole basket of crap and you have the perfect recipe for PTSD.

    I am among many here who have to contend daily with the effort of reconciling what seems true with what feels right with what is supposed to be right with what is obviously not right but who really knows what is right? huh?

    Some people are just born into a fortunate situation where they are fed healthy things like love, consistency, security, etc. Others, following their instincts, seek a place where they don't always have to be guessing, panicking, wondering wtf. I don't know about other people specifically, but I find that living in such chronic confusion feels shitty, and I am always seeking relief from it. I tried lots of mood-mind-altering agents and behaviors in my youth, but now really try to do it cognitively. It's hard work.... but it is MUCH LESS DIFFICULT NOW THAT I'M ALMOST A YEAR OUT OF THE MIND-FUCK called WTBS.

    There is a lot of wisdom here as well as compassion and empathy.... also, lots of anger and despair. Also lots of comic relief. Also lots of people whose agendas are weird as hell, but hey, there is room for them. You don't have to read their stuff or respond to it. I find it endlessly fascinating to watch people evolve in their paths. I can't seem to get into the chat room because I have a macintosh, which is of course superior in all ways to a pc, but that is another discussion... wish I could though, so I could develop a more personal connection with some others here. My postings usually go completely unnoticed. But I get much insight into things just studying others' stuff and it has helped me immensely.

    Hope you find some peace... I'm glad you have such a wonderful partner... I have one and it has made all of the difference in the world.


    ps...... typing doesn't count!!!!

    It's only water from a stranger's tear (Peter Gabriel)

  • Andee

    Hi Stash,

    Thank you for posting your story.

    I will try to give the Reader's Digest condensed version of my story.

    My material grandmother became a JW when my Mom was 5. My Mom married another JW at 14. He, my Father, was 19. My Father, a cruel alcoholic, was disfellowedship a few years later for reasons I am not clear on. My Mom's family, which was almost all JW's, abandoned her because of my Dads DFing. She was a teenager, had a baby, and a alcoholic husband. What a loving family! gag!

    Five years or so later, Dad gets reinstated. However, only goes to a few meetings because all his friends in the Cong are gone. Things are still very stressful in my home. JW grandmother lives with us now. Tries to convert anyone that steps into her sphere of influence. We are the joke of the neighborhood. I'm miserable most of the time. Beaten a lot of just doing normal kids stuff. Dad drinks and gambles. Mom feels helpless. I actually go to meetings and out in service with my grandmother to get out of the house. Desperate for a place to get some peace and the little old ladies at the KH and book studies are nice to me. However, I want to be normal (b-days, holidays, etc, just fun in general) and I feel guilty for this. I am about 8 or 9 at this time. I know I'm dead meat in Armageddeon and I have nightmares about this for years!

    When I was 10 we did "christmas". No tree, but we got presents. My mom always hated the WTS and I think was the force behind starting
    Christmas in our house. I was thrilled. Dad rationalized it. Even though he had faded, he still believed in the teachings and "the end". Geez! If I had a dollar for every gloom and doom story I had to hear! So, I always had in the back of my mind, if the JW's were right, I sealed my fate by getting presents on christmas day. Now, it seems such an absurd idea!

    Spent most of my late adolesence depressed. I was a good kid, didn't get into trouble, but always felt so helpless and powerless.
    To grow up in a JW home is bad enough, but then to have a lunatic alcoholic parent is a double whammy. I had an eating disorder and spent 6 weeks in hospital treatment for it when I was 25.

    I spent most of my 20's just trying to shed my JW past. I just wanted to forget about it all. I married a dear, sweet man at 25. Been happily married 14 years now with two kids.

    How I got HERE. After years of shunning some of my Mom's JW contacted me. It just got me thinking about my upbringing and I did a search on the internet. I found Freeminds, which then, brought me here.

    This place can get pretty wild sometimes. However, most are kind and compassionate people. The things I have learned about the Org. Enlightening, yet appalling. Take your time trying to soak it all in.


  • Andee


    I can't seem to get into the chat room because I have a macintosh, which is of course superior in all ways to a pc, but that is another discussion

    Oh dear, a MAC user! You people think you are just sooooo much better than us PC users!

    My postings usually go completely unnoticed

    Oh, so do mine. Just wanted to let you know...I noticed


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