Affirmative arguments for the non-existence of Jesus

by WhatSexRU 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WhatSexRU

    Hi everyone. I was just reading a thread on this forum called “Saviors of the world?”

    That thread discussed similarities between the various saviors, or messiahs that are said to have walked the earth, most of them appearing long before Jesus supposedly emerged. Fwiw, I tend to agree with Leolaia and Narkissos that those claims are exaggerated.

    In this thread I would like to solicit comments and opinions concerning the claims that Jesus never existed at all. Not even a ‘regular guy.’ Below is a link to an article by someone named R.G. Price. This article is representative of the types of arguments that are being made:

    I'm no expert on any of this stuff but to me that article seems very, very, convincing.

    Any comments?

  • zeroday

    The other day I told a friend a story. He then turned to another friend and told the same story. That friend told another then another then another. Before you knew it the story had been told to millions of friends over 2000 years and guess what the original story was not even close to the original.... NOW do you really believe any story about the original JESUS that could have existed still exists to this day in the original??? Jesus was nothing but a MYTH that has been passed down thru the ages made bigger than life and believed by everyone with out question...

  • 5go
    Jesus was nothing but a MYTH that has been passed down thru the ages made bigger than life and believed by everyone with out question...

    Just because a billion people believe something stupid for a thousand years. Does not make it any less stupid.

    - Mark Twain

  • WhatSexRU


    At this point I think you’re probably right. But your answer is boring, and that isn’t the type of comment I was looking for. I enjoy learning about this stuff and like to support my opinions with facts.

    Here’s that link again:

    Look at they way he is presenting his arguments.

    Don’t you wish you could do that?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Ju ming mi primo Haysus? Yeah, je around, i just saw jim

  • WhatSexRU

    Imo, the most striking part of that article is this section:

    Virtually every detail of the life of Jesus comes from Old Testament scriptures

    I know that Leolaia and Narkissos have talked about this a lot.

    In Critical Thinking there is a postulate called Occam's Razor:

    One should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.

    It seems to me that if an actual man named Jesus existed that he would just interfere with the development of the stories we have now.

  • JamesThomas

    What actually is the point regarding whether Jesus did, or did not exist? Is it the "creator" or "holy deity" aspect?

    Does the actual and infinite, mind boggling expression of life and universe in any way give witness to some tiny circumscribable and definable entity or deity as being in any way connected or responsible for it? The answer and wisdom is right here within the boundless wonder of nature for all to see.....and once seen, what does it matter if Jesus did, or did not exist? Or for that matter any other nameable little god?


  • Hortensia


    Well, I tried reading the info at your link. It felt just like being at the KH and analyzing the heck out of something that doesn't interest me in the least! So, kind of boring and I didn't finish reading it. I guess I don't really care whether Jesus was a real person or not. It's sort of like arguing whether Homer wrote the Iliad, or was it written by another Greek of the same name. So far you're not getting the response you wanted - sorry!

  • aniron

    Interesting after 2,000 years you still can't decide whether Jesus existed or not.

  • bernadette

    I though the following points were very interesting.

    The development of the Jesus Christ story is best explained not as simply a "paganization" of Judaism, but as a part of Jewish literary tradition. What did set Christianity apart, however, was its crossover status into non-Jewish communities, where Jewish literary traditions were not understood. A combination of factors then led to its growing acceptance. The destruction of Judea left many diaspora Jews in despair and without a grounding for traditional Judaism, so the story of Jesus had appeal to them. Unlike most of the Greek and Roman religions, Christianity was highly evangelical with its claims of salvation and "truth". People living in the Roman Empire had grown up with messages of confidence and strength, but in the 3rd and 4th centuries Rome went through a series of hardships so the Christian story of suffering, redemption, and humility, rooted in the history of Jewish hardships, appealed to a people who were surrounded by religions based on a culture of superiority that was now failing. For those who looked deeper into the religion, many were impressed with the degree to which the life of Jesus seemed to have been so completely foretold by the earlier Hebrew scriptures. The numerous parallels between the Gospels and the "Old Testament" convinced many that the religion "had to be true", how else could one account for so many "fulfilled prophecies"? They declined to understand, however, that the parallels are there because the Gospels are made-up stories based on the Hebrew scriptures. As Christians began filling the ranks of the military in the 4th century Constantine and other emperors had reasons to cater to the religion, and they found that people who were willing to die to spread their religion to new lands made for good soldiers.

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