This Sunday at 11.00am I am going to take a JW to a church service at St Marks Luthern church in Yonkers NY.She is 28 years old. She was born and raised a JW. She has never been in a church in here life and is so brainwashed that she thinks saton lives inside. It has taken me quite a wile to convence here differint. I told her JW fear God and that Christians LOVE God. She told me that every time she looked a a worldy person that they know somthing about JW that she did not know. Any advise you can give me in this matter.
This is what I am going to do.
by GODLOVESME 20 Replies latest jw friends
Bumble Bee
Just let her know ahead of time what to expect during the service, it will be quite different than what she is used to. The worst thing in attending a church service for the first time is just not knowing what to expect. Stay close by her, and take your cues from her, and explain things as you go along.
Hope she has an eye opening experience!
Definitely let her know what to expect in advance. An easy shortcut: How to Be a Perfect Stranger: The Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook. Maybe you can just check out a copy from the nearest public library and photocopy the section on Lutheran church services.
gently feral
How about assuring her she can leave if it becomes overwhelming. Knowing she has an escape may lessen the stress considerably. You may wish to also address collection (if your church does one) as this is one thing JWs mention over and over, as well as any etiquette for hymns or prayers.
Vernon Williams
We started attending an Episcapal Church in Monett: it took me MONTHS to learn to just relax. I was there to celebrate the Lord's Meal. However, this is a "High Church" and they put the Roman Catholics to shame with vestments, orderliness of service, music, incense, etc. Once I "settled down" and as I learned more about the history of the Church I enjoyed the services greatly.
Have patience with your friend. JWs go to business meetings not worship or praise services. Focus on the love of God not trivial theological ideas. Point out the congregation "passes the plate" in the same way the early Christians did and there is not a profit center in literature that the JWs have.
Post your results, please.
I have prepaired her what to expect. I will let you know how thing went Sunday night. Thanks for your support.
I went to a Luthern church for a friends funeral. There was too much ritural for my taste. I liked the priest, I had installed a computer for him in the church as a favor for my friend that died. He seemed a friendly man and we laughed about some things.
Ken P.
Perhaps your friend would be more comfortable in a "low church" setting--something with less liturgy, pomp and ceremony, such as something in the Baptist or Brethren line? They usually do not have overly decorated sanctuaries (ours has no cross on display, and looks similar to a KH but with lots of sunny windows!) Also there is lots of focus on Bible teaching in those type of churches, which would probably appeal to your friend.
I wish her the best, and that she will feel the love of Jesus reaching out to her during the service!
It's surprising that a JW will go to a church given all the propaganda they hear about the Christian religions and what's astonishing is that they (the JWs) who claim to be the true Christian religion have more in common with Judaism rather than Christianity.
The way I see it all mainstream Christian religions are valid they are different expressions of the same culture. As always it is deeds that matter most.
I'm impressed that she agreed to go at all! I wouldn't have gone when I was a Jw, but when I quit going to the KH I went to other churches just for comparison. I was nervous, and didn't know what to do, but went anyway. They're all kind of the same, I learned to sit quietly and watch what happens. No one seems to care if you don't participate as long as you smile nicely and say hello.
In the end, I decided that religion isn't for me, but the experience of visiting other churches was fun.