by DannyHaszard 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DannyHaszard
    Mark this!In 2007 Watchtower still say's 1914 Jesus second coming
    Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses?
    •Regular people and not part of a cult. •People who want others to know about God and the Bible. •Believers that these are the last days before Armageddon and that it is urgent for people to develop a relationship with God. •People who don ...
    • Reading Eagle
    Key dates for Jehovah’s Witnesses
    1870s: Charles Taze Russell starts the modern-day organization from a Bible study group in Allegheny, which is now a part of Pittsburgh. Members were known as “Bible Students.”

    1881: Russell forms the Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society, which begins to publish religious material for Bible students.

    1893: First publicly advertised meeting in Chicago.

    1914: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ, who now rules in heaven.

    1935: Name of group changed to “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” based on Isaiah 43:10. Also changed the name to distinguish the religion from Christian denominations.

    1930s-40s: Jehovah’s Witnesses take a series of cases to U.S. Supreme Court. The group wins decisions allowing members to preach without a license, not say the Pledge of Allegiance and other rights.

    Source: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

    Source: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania •Contact reporter Sarah Tompkins at 610-371-5031 or stompkins@readingeagle.com

  • DannyHaszard

    This IS a BIG DEAL the Watchtower past 3 years or so looked like it might be backing off the absurdity of Jesus second coming in 1914.As a matter of fact I have been getting reviled by JW apologist for saying that 1914 is their CORE doctrine

    Jesus had his 'return to power' aka second coming in 1914 why is everything still all 'messed up'?

    I am thinking of Hans Christian Anderson's childrens classic,"The Emperor's new (invisible) clothes?

    Jehovah's Witnesses Millerite/Adventist sect spin-off

    American war of 1812 army captain William Miller is ground zero for Jehovah's Witnesses.
    There is nothing that made me gasp in horror of all WT/JW falsehoods more then this finding that it all came from the Millerite movement.
    Yes,the "great disappointment"of Oct 22 1844 has never died out... it lives on in the Seventh day Adventist (who admit it) and the Jehovah's Witnesses who deny it.

    The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,yes the reason the Watchtower came into existence was to declare Jesus second coming in 1914.When the prophecy (derived from William Miller of 1842) failed they said that he came "invisibly".
    Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection and sealing of the 'anointed' so the entire Watchtower Bible and Tract Society doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards

    WILLIAM MILLER http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/132920/1.ashx THE BEGINNING of it ALL
    (If you go to this link you will see where the 1914 'Millerite math' came from)

    Must see video clip: www.dannyhaszard.com/cultvideos.htm please go to this link and scroll down for the History Channel clip
    The Millerites: Armageddon (History Channel) 4 min clip
    This is the highly credible HISTORY CHANNEL ( Roger Mudd ) not the "apostates" exposing Jehovah's Witnesses as a spin-off of the William Miller movement of 1844
    Tell the truth and don't be afraid-Danny Haszard

  • yaddayadda

    Danny, how exactly does the 'entire JW doctrinal superstructure' come crashing down just because they are obviously wrong on 1914/18?

    The falsity of the 1914 doctrine hardly renders most of their other core doctrines obsolete.

  • greendawn

    They weaved a whole little myth around 1914, the folllow up was that Jesus came in 1919 inspected the whole world and chose them out of everyone else as th eonly worthy people on earth and gave them authority over all his belongings on earth as His FDS (what a grandiose and shamelessly self promoting lie) so if 1914 didn't happen then 1919 also has to be a lie and the FDS status, the basis of the GB's authority, has been a con.

  • emptywords

    they thought arma was coming in 1914, they later said it to be a parasia, Christ' presence and began to rule as king and throw satan and his henchmen out to the vicinity of the earth, no more access to heaven and we the great crown and the few remaining elite king heirs are in woe woe, because great terror is going to happen, and true their words, the 1st world war started. since then mth 28, luke21 and mrk13, 2tim 3 1-6 have gone into full swing the end is closer now than ever because all the old diggers that were alive from 1914 has to be alive to witness the end in other words they would have had to have been old enough to know what was happening in `1914, nearly all have carced it, so in 1995 they changed it to era, not generation......God speed we must be even closer because.........zeph1:14 yearly text....i'm tired.

  • DannyHaszard

    1914 (from Adventist William Miller) is to a JW what Mary and/or the Trinity is to Catholics or what Joseph Smith and the golden plates are to Mormons. 1914 gen BIG alt Poet and writer Mark Twain sez: "if a million people believe in a stupid thing for a hundred years,it's still a stupid thing".

  • aniron

    They give out 550,000 invitations, but only 6,400 attend.

    How many of them were there because they got an invitation?

    One JW says he invited 20 people. I wonder how many turned up.

  • dedpoet
    They weaved a whole little myth around 1914, the folllow up was that Jesus came in 1919 inspected the whole world and chose them out of everyone else as th eonly worthy people on earth and gave them authority over all his belongings on earth as His FDS (what a grandiose and shamelessly self promoting lie) so if 1914 didn't happen then 1919 also has to be a lie and the FDS status, the basis of the GB's authority, has been a con.

    That's exactly right Greendawn. Quite a bit of watchtower chronology hangs on
    1914 being the year that Daniel's prophecy of the end of the gentile times being
    right, which is why they hang on to 607 being the date for Jerusalem's destruction
    by the Babylonians, despite so much archaelogical evidence that says the year
    was 586/587.

    Apart from Jesus return, inspection and appointing of the fds, their grandiose
    theory about the 7 trumpets of Revelation 8 being 7 conventions held by the jws,
    or bible students as they were then known, between 1922 and 1928 would be
    shown to be the bs it obviously is if they abandoned 607 and 1914.

  • DannyHaszard

    WHO SAY'S 1914 JESUS ? nearly 1.4 million pages who sez 1914 Jesus besides the Watchtower it IS their CORE DOGMA

  • DannyHaszard

    When I exited the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992 EVERY Jehovah's Witness around me,was convinced in their heart of hearts that they would NOT see 2007 in "this old system"

    Many had NO retirement plans for old age.


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