Inquisitor - No! I understood what you said and meant.
My phrase was meant in a different context and not aimed at you.
by Gayle 12 Replies latest watchtower medical
Inquisitor - No! I understood what you said and meant.
My phrase was meant in a different context and not aimed at you.
Blood infusion guidelines for Jehovah's Witnesses compiledread comments Japan Today - Jun 24 3:14 PM TOKYO — Due to refusal for blood infusion by Jehovah's Witnesses, a joint panel of five medical academies has compiled a draft proposal to infuse blood into patients younger than 15 years old even if their parents involved in the religious group are against it, the panel members said Sunday.
When did the blood doctrine come in, was it Russel or Rutherford.
They have already change to accepting blood fractions, if they drop the blood thing they will be sued by thousands.
Other countries should follow the Japanese example.