Watching the video of the street preacher at the District Convention got me thinking (always a dangerous proposition). There seems to be this history revolving around Christianity. Starting with the Romans, the idea began to be, convert through suppression, oppression, war and acts of violence. Whole cultures were swallowed up this way. Then when they had them, they burned dissenters at the stake.
More recently, when the new world (the America's) were discovered, whole populations were roped in by those same tried and true methods (where disease didn't do the job for them). More recently than that, blacks were brought over as slaves by the boatloads. Forced to leave behind families, wives, husbands, children. Forced to work under harsh conditions, treated brutally. Now hispanics and blacks are more christian than their oppressors in many cases.
What makes the tribal gods of the hebrews and muslims any different than the tribal gods of the africans? Or the Mayans, etc.? Why, when you see the methods and the horrifying conditions used to convert, do you not only embrace it, but become advocates more so than those who enslaved you?
I just really don't get this. I hope you don't misunderstand. I truly believe that everyone finds their own path. I respect everyone's rights to do that. I'm just trying to understand this aspect.