Yeah, I like JT's posts, too. Always have. But hey, JT, would it kill ya to capitalize a word every now and then? I mean, come on, bruh!
Why My Wife and I Have No Kids
by JT 66 Replies latest jw friends
I remember when I got pregnant with my daughter. I cried and cried. lol a respectable married woman scared to tell her parents she was pregnant because they might be disappointed in her. How sad is that? Thanks to the WT I felt guilty for wanting to have a child. My husbands grandmother told us "Not to expect any help" and "Weren't we aware of the WT stand on having children during the last days"..can you feel the love?
Funny though if all the JW's took their advice where would they get the majority of their new recruits from??? We used to joke we were having a kid cause it was the only way for us to get a study. Looking back it seems to be true for a lot of JW's!
That was a good post and so true. I too like your tell it like it is style.
Welcome to the board.
You sound like a funny woman ( Ain't no thang but a chicken wang!!!!)
Looking forward to more posts from you as well as your story.Chester
You know, this thread reminds me of a sister I know who had her first child in 1975. I believe she would have been pregnant at the time this 1974 Awake! article JT cites came out. Anyway, she told me years later that some other sisters in the congregation had scolded her for having a baby then: "Don't you know how close we are to the end?" She said, though, that it was really just some people taking the Society the wrong way and overreacting, and more symptomatic of "local, parochial attitudes."
Those "local attitudes," I find, are often used by faithful Witnesses as a scapegoat for whatever may be going wrong in their congregation. Yes, out here in the sticks they may be making petty rules and reading things into the Watchtower articles that the fine brothers in Brooklyn never intended, but elsewhere in the country and around the world, they're doing it Jehovah's way. So, just treat it as a trial of faith and persevere.
Sometimes, too, it's not just blamed on the local *Witnesses* but on the overall local culture of Wisconsin or Washington or wherever.
But when you see quotes like this, the light really goes on. Why would women scold another woman for choosing to have a child? Normally women are delighted about that kind of stuff.
Drachcir yarrum - Don't be a dipshit
Shaneliza - I hope you not raising a kid. Why? Because you don't know how to raise one.
JT - Now you can drink your six pack and get drunk so you can have sex with your wife and have a kid.
The first thing that came to MY mind was 'low sperm count'. Sorry, JT, and peace to you... but I KNOW lack of sex was not the problem. Most JWs get married... to have sex.
May I ask, do you and the Mrs. still have that same mindset? Not that not having children is a 'bad' thing... there are MANY reasons why not have to have them... as well as TO have them... in THIS 'system of things'. I always thought it 'funny', though, how the 'Society' would refer to the Psalm that likened having many sons to one 'filling [his] quiver'... and then publicly announce/teach that ones should stop wanting to have them. Er?
Listen to the spirit that is in you, JT. You and your wife. And do what it directs, if you possess the faith to do so. If you don't, test the inspired expression: why in the WORLD would my Lord not want you have children? What purpose would it serve him? What, you won't be able to 'run fast' when he arrives? Could you run... at all? I mean, if you were one of those who NEEDED to hide (no, no one NEEDS to hide; it was rhetorical)... COULD you?
Clock's a-tickin', JT. If you and your missus WANT to have children... there is NO 'law'... against it. If, however, you two have decided NOT to... leave off from putting the 'blame' for that on the WTBTS. You are a free moral agent, and they won't be held responsible for what you have CHOSEN to do... in your own hearts.
Again, I bid you peace, and I am...
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
JW have one CONSTANT - due to the indoctrination- you can always count on them to respond like they have been programmed to do when info is presented that put the mother org in a bad like
for the most part the "Loyal" jw will do it every time on time
Pathof horns:
just believe in calling a spade a spade
I will work on the CAPS
A Guest asked :
May I ask, do you and the Mrs. still have that same mindset?
No longer, we do plan on having children
thanks for askingJames