Wunce Wuz, you have a PM.
by Black Man 297 Replies latest jw friends
Wunce Wuz, you have a PM.
OMG - you people are amazing. What a great walk down memory lane! I was in Brooklyn from 91 - 94.
Seeker4, I remember Ray & Eunice Spatz - as others have said, they are incredible people".
I also remember the following: (I worked in the office in photography, so most of these people are from there or Art)
Gayle Chambers
Joe & Jana Brown (some of my FAVORITE people in the world - always the rebels)
Ray Lockhart
Sau Ling Chain
Melissa ??? (her husband is the one that does the pastel artwork with the women w/ long, flowing hair)
Aaron Eckburg
George & Phyllis Smith (they are at Patterson now... very nice people)
Don ??? - he was a prick and a half!!! Was the office overseer for years then was replaced by...
Barry Brachna - we all thought he'd be single for life, but he left Bethel to get married in his 50's
Darn... I'm drawing a blank! There are SO many. Thanks for the memories!!! Let's keep this thread going!
Darth Frosty and Black Man, thanks for responding about Rich Devine. I still wonder what happened to the Canolas. They'd be in their late 50's by now; maybe they also went into the circuit work.
Never been, but here's my list of people I know that went there.
Joel Heger
Corey Petersen
Ryan Carlson
Tommy Hegge
That's all I remember for now.
I was there when you were, slmdf.
this goes up.................
I was at the Farm in the late 70's
Mike Reinke
Jeff Chandler
Rick Adams (the guy I told I loved and thence was kicked outeth)
Mike and Jenni Krouse
Eddie Duncan
I was in the graphotype and subscription department. Worked with Sis Knorr
for a while.
People I knew at Brooklyn Bethel from different periods
Stan Norris
Mark McCumber
Chris Bank
Brady Day
Hey Slmdf, i knew Ray Lockhart. He was from Detroit and was a "heavy" even before getting to Bethel. He ran the art department during my time there. Could be cool with you if he knew you. Took care of his own........
Carl & Naomi Z@hari. The last I heard, Carl was the head of the video department at Patterson. Traveled the world doing the videos and such. I grew up around his wife Naomi(whose parents are in the same hall as mine in Fairfield, IA).
Darryl Christiansen- THE KING PRICK OF ALL PRICKS i ever met- .....other bethelites told me he would come down to the breakfast table put one leg over the other , one arm on the table and bow his head in wait......NICK Tamburri- the monk
Vito Tuosto, Ray and his wife Eunice -best ppl in theworld even if they are in a cult.
met most of these guys, thought they were OK, a little boring but OK