BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?

by Black Man 297 Replies latest jw friends

  • mann377

    Brooklyn and WTF '72-76

    Anyone know: Ed (As_Ho_e) Kostacheck, Bob Schilling, Joel Reed, Joel Young, Bob Deaton, Ed Harop, I'll remember some more this evening.

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  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    What became of Howard Zenke and his lovely wife whats-her-name?

    Bro. Zenke was on the service committee and is on record as being one of the few who argued that the WTB&TS owed people an apology for the 1975 fiasco, which he likened to Watergate..

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  • mann377

    I think they found Zenke's body along the side of the road with 6 bullet holes in the back............Watchtower Society said it was the worse suicide they had ever seen. (just kidding)

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  • watson

    Gill Nazaroff had a hot daughter!!

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  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Anybody know Gary Davis? I know what happened to David Fredrick. They were both there in the early and mid 70's.

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  • rekless
    Gill Nazaroff had a hot daughter!!

    He had two hot daughters

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  • nvrgnbk
    Anybody know Gary Davis?

    Was Gary Davis a black brother? I think he became a DO.

  • nvrgnbk

    I think Nazaroff's nephew is at Paterson.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Gary Davis and David Fredrick are white. They are from Oklahoma, but the Davis family moved to California, while Gary was/is still in Bethel. David came home to OK. and got married.

    Anybody know Leroy Langdon? Last I knew he was a circuit overseer somewhere.

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  • uninformed

    I worked temp const in the 80's both in Wallkill and in NYC.

    I laid bricks and blocks in the 360 basement, and was there when they took out the old steam heat system. I also got to work on 25, 30 the Bossert basement and the Sliver.

    My Son Jonathan Jones went up to NYC with me on Temp Const while we were working on the Sliver and he was asked to stay. He was 18 at the time. He has said several times that Gil Nararoff was one of the only 'heavies' that was nice to him.

    I met brother Underwood and a Williams that was put in charge of the completed 360.

    One of my overseers was Mark Offut, was friends with Tim and John Lucas and learned to hate (not quite hate) an electrician kid named Ralph the Ass Kisser Ripley.

    My poor son Jonathan wasted 4 years up there instead of college, but I am proud to say that he hates the organization now too.

    Any of you remember him? (Jonathan Jones or Thad Jones--My other son who went to Bethel). 89 to 95 -----???


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