Well, now, I KNEW there was a good reason why I didn't want to live forever in paradise on earth:
From the Sept 1906 WT
For instance, those who will constitute the Church, and who will be changed from earthly to heavenly nature in the First Resurrection--"changed in a moment" --will be Spirit beings like unto our Lord, and like unto the angels also in respect that they will be sexless. As for the world, which will not be changed from earthly to heavenly nature, and will not experience a resurrection change in a moment, but a gradual change or uplift, progressing step by step during the thousand years of the "times of restitution," it will also be true that when they shall have attained that world and shall have attained the resurrection from the dead they will neither marry nor be given in marriage, but be sexless. That is to say, the restored human family will, during the period of restitution, lose their sexual distinctions, and at the end of the thousand years be all of them in perfection, like Adam was before Eve was taken from his side.
Just goes to show the true "Victorian" nature of their early thinking. Sex was not just a sin, but so much a sin that perfect humans wouldn't have it. I'm wondering if they were thinking that people would lose PHYSICAL sexual distinctions? It sure sounds that way.