I used to enjoy DO Paul Illingsworth's talks. He thought he was a Greek scholar.He was quite full of himself but I always thought he was a good speaker.
Anyone that you liked (or didn't)?
by minimus 84 Replies latest jw friends
I used to enjoy DO Paul Illingsworth's talks. He thought he was a Greek scholar.He was quite full of himself but I always thought he was a good speaker.
Anyone that you liked (or didn't)?
leo greenlees left an impression on many a bethel boy
A friend of mine who will remain annonymous once slashed the tire of the CO, whom he thought was full of shit.
Mario Beltrami, who has been mentioned here before.
He told the elders at my old KH that until they made me a ministerial servant or showed a good reason why not, he wouldn't approve any others. (A spy told me how the meeting went)
He was tired of their hatin' on me!!!
Wally Gobitas...that man was a piece of work.
Wally Gobitas...that man was a piece of work.
Wally Go- Bite- Ass.
Yes, he was an impressive jerk.
I can't recall his name now but he was such a WTS bulldog and really tried to ram down the throats of the R&F the policies of the GB eg no university education and no criticisms of the FDS constructive or not. What's more his wife had died due to the blood transfusion ban and yet he was all for them, a good speaker but too fanatical.
Had lots of friends who were CO's. Jack Danly was a fire and brimstoner from West Virginia. Had to love that accent. He was really a pussy cat in person. Died 3 or 4 years back.
There was nice couple in the circuit work, Hartmut and Claudia Kutchki. They were German, and he spoke with a thick bavarian accent I would say. Was fun to see Germans go up to them and start talking in German, and he would say, "You know vee aire in Kanada now and vee speak English here, yeah?" Very kind and loving. We tried looking them up later and have no idea what happened to them. Hope they figured it out and left!
Dick and Gay Toes, very nice couple. A Frenchman DO named Crepo (Craypoe) who was nice as well. Elders and CO's hated him.
There was also a couple in the Italian circuit who also served the Spanish at times. Barboro or Bavaro. We went out to dinner a couple of times and he was down to earth, as well as his wife and they were both free thinkers.
Things were different in the language groups of the dubs. There was always a threat of being dissolved or combined with another same language group if the numbers dwindled too much. As a result the dynamic at times was very tolerant. Then the society started moving English tyrants in to make changes. You could get away with just about anything in Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Italian congregations and groups!
Dave Gannon, Lawrence Thompson, Gary Willachuck, Jack Zwicker (the ass kicker, publisher asses of course). Dave Gannon was an outright wicked and evil man. Anyone who has crossed swords with him knows what I mean. If there was ever two people who could suck the joy and life out of a congregation or circuit it was Gannon and Zwicker. Willachuck was just a two faced prick. Thompson was a nice enough guy but fancied himself a medler in peoples affairs and so screwed lots of things up.
Ah, good ole Dave Gannon. We belonged to a really nice congregation until he showed up!! He was in our cong for several years before he entered the circuit work. I went to school with his daughter.
Hey Minimus,
Yeah, I knew Illingworth quite well. And I thought he was cool. One of the few DOs who had cool interests that included liking to ski, scuba dive, etc and he gave great talks. You got the impression that he thought he was THE MAN, but he didn't take himself too seriously. I wouldn't be surprised if he posted here in the future.
R.L. Jones: The coolest CO I ever knew. Armani suits, stacy adams shoes, cool wife. Knew about the politics behind the publishing corporation.
Jack Moore: Old school white brother with a grandfather's care and touch. Enjoyed him. Passed away in the early 1990s.
R.E. Smith: Many felt he was an ass-hole, but I thought he was funny as hell. A living breathing cartoon character. Who doesn't remember some of his catch phrases, "Girdle down sisters, you look like you have two piggys in a blanket," "Let's clean these heathens up with P & G soap," "These sisters have these rips and splits up their skirts from can to can't," "What's with all the colors in your hair, some of you looked like you walked past an exploding paint factory." I could go on and on............
Charles Jackson: Great speaker. In hindsight, he was a little too emotional at times (for instance he broke down and cried several times during some of his closing prayers at District Conventions), but he seemed to mean well.
Antrim Smith: There are two words that come to mind for this ass-hole - POND SCUM. Took delight in lording it over the flock. Would pride himself on his ability to remove whole bodies of elders at a time. Would pridefully relate stories such as when he once asked a pioneer what kind of music he listened to, and when the pioneer went to do a call, he went under the car seat and opened up his CD case and found he had records by Prince and various hip hop artists. He relieved the pioneer of his duties (both pioneer and MS) because of that and the pioneer felt into a deep depression. Antrim told him it was because he grieved Jah's spirit by listening to debased music. If there ever was a fiery hell, this ass-hole would be the first to burn.