Let's see ... Spacing out, drawing on my craptower, day-dreaming about where I'd be at that point in time if I wasn't a dub...
Killing time during meeting...
by brunnhilde 30 Replies latest jw friends
At least during the assemblies I used to pass my time solving crosswords especially during those stupid dramas which I couldn't stand as they were so obviously manipulative and stupid.
Open mind
I always prepare for the meetings. I cut and paste posts from JWD to Notepad and then transfer to my Palm Pilot.
Then place palm pilot between my legs with a Bible or Craptower mainly hiding it from prying eyes.
Nothing beats reading JWD while dub drivel is being dispensed. ;-)
Open Mind -
fill in the o's in the publications
I used to do that
Let's see ... Spacing out, drawing on my craptower, day-dreaming about where I'd be at that point in time if I wasn't a dub...
and that too.
Good times.
I would doodle in the margins of the WT magazine, make grocery lists, read other passages in the Bible, or lots of times read the context of the scripture the brother would be reading on the platform, applying it the way the society wanted it applied; otherwise unless there was a really good speaker, I would just "zone out". I used to wish I could bring my knitting; but that would have been too distracting.
When I was a teenager I fantasized about sex during the meetings.
When I "grew up" a little more I fantasized about being an ex-JW.
Who says dreams dont' come true?
i doodled ALOT. Gave the people in the pics, long hair, sideburns, tattoos etc.
I passed notes too, like, What is he talking about?!?!?! Where do you want to go for lunch after the meeting!!! Can we leave after the talk, I am not feeling too well.
Sometimes I got up to go to the bathroom and get a drink and then stand at the back of the hall. If you are not used to sitting for two hours, it can drive you nuts.
When I was a teenager I fantasized about sex during the meetings.
Who says dreams dont' come true?
nvr, you had sex during the meetings?
nvr, you had sex during the meetings?
Just once. With myself. Hey, I was 14. Don't judge me.
Gals to see i was not the only one who used to think about which "sister" I would do
I did have a favourite
At conventions sunglasses for napping and binoculors for checking out potential ladies from other congregations