Someone is Lying.....

by R.F. 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • emptywords

    Sorry that you are going through this, one thing that always bothered me was the lack of concern for those that miss meetings are in hospital or live on their own in public housing, the status....

    I have also found that they are suspicious if you miss to many meetings, not so much because of health but in fear of the leaving the troof thing, the WTBTS has created a lot of ill feeling between the brothers by asking them to spy or check on them, those that are inactive or miss to many meetings, say things anything different and you're on the list. They worry very much about the internet and these sites, it's what you know that bothers them.

    But I do hope that youre x is concerned for you for the right reasons, and remember they are brainwashed, my suspicions about the org have come to hit me square in the face these past few weeks, it's like coming out of a fog.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Hang in there R.F. Anyway you can ignore her (or anyone else's) calls? Just don't answer them.


  • parakeet

    If she's your "ex", why put up with her lectures and scoldings? One of the few benefits of divorce is that you don't have to put up with the crap any more. Tell her to mind her own business. She doesn't have any right to question you or to direct your life.

  • unique1

    She is just trying to make the "friends" at the hall seem like better people than they are because she wants you to come back. It is probably more of an extreme exaggeration than a lie. Hang in there.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    RF... sorry to hear the troubles.

    I don't recall in the Bible it saying that you lose God's approval by missing assembly with fellow believers.

    absolutely. I still believe in God... or something more than us.....(despite some of my early posts debating otherwise.... I keep an open mind. My mom says the same type of things about "not neglecting your relationship with Jehovah." My response is always "My relationship with Jehovah is fine, its the relationship with moronic controlling men (elders) I have issue with and wont deal with them"

    The elders are not your mommy. Your ex- is definitely not your mommy (or your wife). Maybe the ex really cares, but do you need the turmoil? She left you as I recall. Now if you left completely and then she came around and said she was leaving the Borg too...that might be interesting... dont hold your breath.

    "handlers"....thats paranoia talking. I doubt someone is sitting there with her telling her what to say....But the JW mindset might be the voice on her shoulder, implanted over years and years. Next time she calls, tell her you appreciate her concern, but things are fine and they are between you and Jehovah. Then politely wish her good day and quietly hang up.

    just my opinion.... SnakesInTheTower (of the "1 Thessalonians 4:11" Sheep Class) .... go ahead, look it up, its my philosophy to live by....

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I really feel for you. JW's are experts on creating uncomfortable situatuations. They make you feel like an absolute jerk when you are the one being wronged. They act totally weird and try to guilt trip you then, try to play the victim when you aren't excited to see them. I went through pretty much the same situation with my mom, quoting Psalms (you're being selfish, you're isolating yourself, the Bible said it, not me). Everyone misses you, people call you all the time, you don't return anyone's phonecalls (I got one phone message, and I did return it). It does drive you batty. Be glad that it is only your ex-girlfriend that is hasseling you, who should know that she is someone you no longer want to be with, and not someone like a close relative who you do want to still have a relationship.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Dealing with JWs is truly a unique experience. Enough to make you go looney!!!

    You can say that again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Emma

    I think they all do this elaborate dance to convince each other how much they're doing to "help" you and show their "concern." The elders told my family that they'd visited us, phoned us, stopped by, talked to us, etc etc etc, when in fact we hadn't even had one phone call. (Much to my relief.) That was the first I realized they were a group of professional liars. Of course, my mother had to believe the Elders. You've got it right that with caller ID we can track this stuff now.

  • BizzyBee


    Two things:

    1. This religious sect gives everyone in it carte blanche to judge everyone else - not just inside their heads, but to actually confront the person they're judging! Beeeeee-zaaar!
    2. You are pouring gasoline on the flames with your ex-fiancee, by rewarding her boorishness with what she really wants - engagement. She wants dialog with you, whether positive or negative. As long as you reward her efforts by engaging with her in conversation, she will continue.

    Best advice here is: cut her off completely.

  • thepackage

    Getting thoughs calls are the worst, I got two calls last night from elders asking while I did not go to meetings and that my ex-wife mentioned I'm growing a beard. I felt like crap after I spoke with them so I kknow I have to cut them off. You should try to do the same. Hang in there!!!!!!

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