I think you already discussed this. Any link or comments on it ?
How does GB keep the control not sitting in the board of the Inc.?
by Ancientofdays 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Basic structure of WTS hierarchy should be a clue:
Governing Body (GB) 10-18 (most ever) baptized jw men who say they are anointed with the holy spirit to serve as kings and priests in heaven with Christ for 1,000 years.
Committees, originally made up of only anointed GB members now have non-voting members that are not anointed who "assist" the GB, called Nethinim, a group of non-Israelites that assisted at the temple, first group in the bible, Gibeonites. They do the day to day operation of the "spiritual" side of the GB.
Once a year (once every 2 years?) all the circuit overseers (COs--anointed or non-anointed male jws who visit about 20 congregations 2 times a year to "encourage and uplift." and the district overseers (DOs--anointed or non-anointed male jws who visit ? circuits a year to encourage and uplife.") Really to check up on the elders to make sure they are applying the GB policies in the congregations. The DOs check up on the COs. The branch overseers as well.
Elders, nominated by the rest of the elder body and names submitted to the GB who delegate the final review of such nominations (based only on the written submissions of the BOEs (bodies of elders). It is basically rubberstamping. Elders keep at tab on each other and the rest of the congregation to make sure that the policies of the WTS are being followed. If not, can be lose appointment as an elder.
Disfellowshipping (by the elders) is a strong deterrent to goose-step to the company beat. Who wants to be cut off from every jw member of their jw family or "friends." Even some jws pressure non-jw members not to associate with the df'd member.
When these men have "control" of your eternal life...who needs legal control of the assets. If someone did try to stage a takeover, they know they better be prepared for the above. By the time the average male jw reaches the point of such positions, they have invested so much time, energy, and money into the program, that only a few brave few can rebel or walk away.
blondie...what do they hope to gain by staying, if they have invested so much materially I mean...I know many publishers that have cut down on work to pioneer, they to have invested so much also, but they can leave the pioneering and they are not xcomunicated.
What do the elders have to lose...their position which takes up a lot of time, prestiege being an elder, losing control, all these things to me are not worth the hassle, many an elder have stepped down or been put down and live quiet ok and no problems once they get the head out of their ass, seems to be ok for them.
I take it empty words you are neither a jw that has been df'd or known anyone close who was. Or are you a non-jw trying to understand issues that have to be lived to be understood, seen from inside not outside.
I have never been through a divorce. I will never understand the pain involved like a person who has.
Women in the WTS are judged by the status of their husband in the WTS hierachy. That is why single women have almost no status even if they are regular pioneers.
I just saw 5 elders removed in 5 different congregations because they were not cooperating with WTS policy quickly enough or supporting 100%.
No longer giving public talks in or visiting local congregations to do so; no more talks on the assemblies/conventions, not as many talks from the platform, people wonder why..........I'm sure there are ex-elders and ex-jws that can describe the pains they would have rather avoided.
Why do women stay with abusive partners?................the WTS is an abuser.
Hey Blondie ... you changed avatar ? Nice one !
I see your point on the chain control jerarchy, and agree that this give absolute preminence to the GB for spiritual matter, bible interpretation , doctrine and so on. But my question was more related on how the GB can keep control of the "business" issue. Let take as an example , the decision on reduce publication of WT and Awake, or the conversion of the shipping center into residential building. The above involves "business" strategy and lots of money ... Before the company deliberate for such direction , there must be discussions , project plan detailed , impact analisys and a final votation to deliberate a decision. Because the GB does not sit on the board of directors in any of the various Inc., I wonder how can they control such decisions or influence who sign-off the paper contract.
I know that , maybe we can only speculate regard this ...
Legally on paper it looks like the GB is not involved in the finances, but you know that people put property in the name of the children to avoid paying it out on nursing homes....paying tax...but there is an unofficial agreement not to sell the property until the parent dies.
Same thing...........but on paper.........
AK - Jeff
Plain and simple - All Jw's, including those who are on the boards of the various corporations, are subservient to the GB. They view them as God's annointed mouthpiece. So, it is not the GB that becomes the servant of the boards, but vice versa. They are likely chosen for these boards based on 'spiritual attributes' - which in JW jargon means 'Do you believe and follow everything the GB says?'
Puppets they.
While Jeff is right, I must add that the GB does lose some control. The board tells the GB that they
need to cut the budget this way or that way, and the GB doesn't interfere. They find some way to
positive spin the board requirements.This is a delicate balance between the running of the corporation and the controlling of JW lives.
If anyone on the board doesn't do as the GB wants, they can DF them somehow, but as time
goes on, the board will get more and more control away from the GB. Eventually, the GB could
just be a nuisance to work around. The board members will find a way to protect themselves from
the GB threats, such as financially cutting off the GB if they don't play ball. I doubt any of this has
taken place yet, but many dictators came into power because the current political structure allowed
them some freedoms to make decisions for the good of the country, assuming they would never
abuse their power. I expect some secrets showdowns in the future. -
Do the GB keep control now they are not sitting on the board of directors? I suspect that even if that is not already a more valid question, it may increasingly become the more relevant one.
Can we be really sure that the GB is not the ultimate authority in the WTS and that the real ultimate authority is as yet concealed and unknown and that the GB members are its puppets? I somehow find it difficult to believe that this bunch of rather unintelligent though very cunning men are running the entire JW show with all its drama and complexity.