Many elders are more indoctrinated into following orders. That makes them more "pure" in the
eyes of cult leaders. So in a sense, YES, they are more pure.
In reality, they are company men who play the game better. They don't tell their sins to the BOE
moreso than the average publisher. They are forgiven for their "minor" indescretions where a publisher
would be reproved.
In reality, they have put in their dues of Ass-Kissing, and now they do less of the foot-soldiering work
of the recruiting than most publishers do. Their excuse is that they are too busy, or their hours are
high, but more of it is spent in shepherding and organizing and speaking from the platform.
In reality, they are sinners like any other JW, some are worse, some are better. They are not
more "pure" except as noted for some in my first sentence.