I've always wondered about this, especially recently. I've always contended that they were real and ignored the conspiracy theories. But if they were real, why hasn't NASA been able to send a man to the moon since the 1970s? The whole space program seems to have taken several steps back in the last 30 years, and looking over some of these moon landing conspiracy sites raised some great questions about the original one. What do you think?
Moon Landings - Real or Fake?
by Black Man 89 Replies latest jw friends
I don't believe in the moon
Remember the movie "Capricorn One", with O.J. Simpson?
The transmissions from Mars sure looked like the transmissions from the moon.
Who knows?
John Doe
I'm a moon landing skeptic.
I have to say I'm a skeptic. Too many points that just don't add up.
Conspiracy theories that the moon landings were faked are abject nonsense. A careful look at the so-called "evidence" produced by these bozos shows that it's of the same quality as the worst nonsense produced by the Watchtower in support of its own idiotic notions.
NASA hasn't sent anyone to the moon for 30+ years for a simple reason: it's been too bloody expensive for the return. NASA went to the moon originally for political reasons. Once the Americans won the race with the Russians, there was no further political mileage to be gained from it. However, NASA does have plans to return to the moon by about 2020 for scientific reasons.
Was political, when the Russians were in space first, (remember what JFK said they would be the first to WALK on the moon) the Americans wanted to be the first, but clearly the Russians had the technology ahead as they were already the first on the moon.
The Americans I believe staged their being on the moon so as to make it look more the great achiever than the Russians. So they haven't really bothered because there was no need, they were already accepted as the first to walk on the moon. Crapo
It's not sexy, but AlanF spelled it out rather well.
Unless of course, he's in on it too.
A post from another thread that touched on the subject, seriously anyone who has any doubt that America has indeed put men on the moon should put their tin foil hat on under their dunces cap. Russia would have no reason to maintain a global conspiracy on behalf of it's rivals in the space race. That's apart from the fact that there is not one shred of hard evidence to show that it was faked, every piece of 'evidence' from the tin hat brigade has been so thoroughly debunked it's embarrassing.
Still as I said in the previous thread, I'm happy to read any new 'evidence' that it was faked. I would be intrigued to find out what doesn't add up about the moon landings.