kwr..I`ve lived in the city,I like this better..Even if you drove out to the country once in a while,you would enjoy it...............Buttlight..I have a bear here,he`s a beauty..A chestnut colour,about 500lbs,and very fluffy..He looks like something you would win at the Fair..You just want to go up and touch him,to see if he`s real...OUTLAW
OUTLAWS Nature Channel
by OUTLAW 18 Replies latest jw friends
You just want to go up and touch him,to see if he`s real...OUTLAW
One of they guys that is baiting the bear, said that one of the three is over 500 lbs this year. We always like to go for walks on their property, cuz they have a nice pond there. Now Im really affraid to walk back there! I know, what a chicken........but they scare me.
The wanderer
Dear Outlaw:
Nice description of the events taking place right
outside your window. Florida used to have so much
beautiful wildlife, but with so much development
taking place it is sad to say, that much of it
ends up as road kill.
The Wanderer -
amazing picture you've painted Outlaw.
I used to leave peanuts in their shells for the squirrels in my garden but stopped when I discovered they'd dug up my plants to bury them. Now they just call hystercally to one another when they see me come to dig in my garden. I still find peanuts scattered about. Maybe I should sit and eat them and let the squirrels come and join me. lol
Mind if I move in w/ya OUTLAW??? Promise I'll do all the laundry, clean and make meals! And pick up after myself.
Sounds beautiful - you know how much I love wildlife! We have A LOT of white tail deer around us - in fact - they roam the streets after midnight. They come into town out of the woods and farm fields that surround the town. Have oppossum, hawks, etc. too in town. In my daughter's neighborhood which is 6 blocks from me they have an ecosystem going on w/the animals. Little guys eat the bugs and spiders, birds eat them too and then hawks to keep the population of all plus the bunnies down. Coyotes down in the boggy area.
Have black bear in Wisconsin. That 500# brown bear? Is he a grizzly??
Enjoy the peace.............. need my phone #? LOL
Hugs, Juni
You gave that beautiful description, I could see it in my minds eye!
Almost as good as a picture itself
Hey OUTLAW, I see wild animals around here all the time!
Buttlight..I would never try to touch him..He could kill me if he was just playing..I carry bear spray with me whenever I`m walking in the wilderness..It won`t hurt him and it`s a great deterrant..You should get some so you don`t have to worry.............Wanderer..Theres alot of road kill in this area too..Deer are so plentifull here.They seem to jump in front of big semi`s and trucks all the time..It`s like a big bag of blood dragged up the highway...................Juni..LOL!!..You`d love it here for sure..He`s not a grizzly..They live farther north and are a great deal larger..I wouldn`t want to meet one face to face.................Bernadette..I`m lucky,no one notices peanut shells in the wilderness..These little guys chat it up until I get too close..Then they dive into thier caves.............Purps..Thanks..The nature show changes every day............I have no idea why the computer is underlineing words..LOL!!.........................A few days ago a little groundhog came out of his cave..His mom must have been sleeping..He was too small to be afraid of me..I wanted to pet him..I have to be carefull not to leave my scent on baby animals,thier mom may abbandon them..So..I used a small stick to stoke him..He liked it..LOL!!........Can anybody tell me what is making the computer underline things??..LOL!!...OUTLAW
The underlineing only happens when I write my post..It dosen`t show up after I`ve sent it...???...OUTLAW