It's one of several spoofs I made of that issue.
Armagadon Drawing from Watch Tower
by kwr 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well now I get mad. What on earth is that a picture doing together with such a headline?
Who is thinking about drinking, while armagedon is running through the earth, (if it does)??
Up to this date it's the most studid magazine I have seen from JW.
Him who created this, must have been drunk.
Wordly Andre
I think Jehovah is a member Al Qaeda
I totally remember that picture but not the XXX..must have been too young to notice at the time. If only it was on 69th street, would be so much the better.
well, the WT drawing is awful - they really salivate at the thought of destruction, don't they? If they stopped to think for a minute, they'd be sickened by all that gloating over death and destruction. The other one is hilarious - made me laugh. Let's all stock up on Jim Beam so the second we start shrivelling up like leaves and just before the earth swallows us we can knock back an entire bottle.
Manjana, this awake magazine wasnt real. there is no awake with that cover. its a joke.
what does the xxx mean?
Am I missing something?
xxx may have meant it was due to come in 1930 they stuffed up again, my cat and me are under bed with a saucer of milk and a bottle of Gordens.
The most disturbing thing is the disgusting caption on the top of that picture:
"Jesus Christ, God's chosen king, will DESTROY THE WORLD at Armageddon"
This is the 'good news' that JW's preach!!
Compare John 3:16,17. "...For God sent forth his Son into the world, not for him to judge the world, but for the world to be SAVED through him."
Hitler had a genocidal 'final solution' and so does the Watchtower Jesus. At least Hitler didn't pretend to love the Jews. -
Ya'll will never believe what I did -- There's a person I know that's still borderline a JW. He's been thinking that he doesn't deserve the paradise because he's not good enough. Still fully brainwashed but beginning not to care if he makes Jehover happy or not. So he's been drinking a lot to help the pain ( I really don't think he's getting drunk -- just enjoying a drink with some worldly folks a couple times a week) He's been enjoying himself and actually amazed at how much happier he is because he hasn't been worried about who sees him doing what.... He actually sent me an email this morning saying that he signed a birthday card this morning.. LOL
So I sent him that Awake cover for a laugh. I wonder how that will go.