i've been invited to join the freemason's. the story behind this happening is this. i was talking to a guy i know very well, and i noticed he had a masonic emblem {the compass and square} on his ring. i asked him about it, explaining about how i was interested in learning about them because of russel. we talked a bit about it, and i did some reading. from what i've read, they seem pretty interesting. i amthinking of joining. does anybody know much about them? other than the origins of demonism and crapt like that? does anybody know one? are they happy with it? it's crazy, but, since i got interested in joining, i've met at least 10 of them, and they all say they are very happy with it, and it's the best decision i can make. anybody have any PERSONAL experience with them?
by bigdreaux 33 Replies latest jw friends
My grandpa is a 32nd degree mason, his wife was in the Eastern Star. Are you a christian?
i believe in a god, but, am not sure i am a "christian" i do try to live by christian values, but, don't know if i believe in christ. i know for sure i don't believe in religion. are they happy with it?
My dad was a mason before he became a JW. My best friend's husband is a Mason, he loves it and she hates it because of all the meetings he goes to. Not alot of time spent with her since becoming a Mason.
the guy i am talking to is a master mason, and i know he wouldn't decieve me. i am very careful who i trust, and i trust him.
i was told they only go to 2 meetings a month
My friends husband is at meetings about 4 times a week and on weekends - unless he's not really at meetings?? hmmm
I don't really know anything about the Mason's, I'm just going on what she tells me. I think you will be fine to look into it, anyone who has ever been a JW and got out is probably very selective in what they believe in.
Gool Luck.
I really don't know too much about them. Apparently there is a freemason meeting room downtown. It's in a crook in a dark alleyway of all things..like something out of a movie. Would be interested to know what you think/learn.
yeah, that 4 meetings a week sounds fishy. i was told by 4 different people it was only 2 a month. i'm just saying.
mysterious, i know the mason's are very secrative, i will share what i can. if i do join, i will take it serious. i won't divulge info. i can't, but, if i feel it's a crock of s&%t, i will tell you all. i've already been fooled once. never again.