stev - good points!
Russell's Gravesite Pictures - (just got back from Pittsburgh)
by thecarpenter 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
passive suicide
Boy....well that caps it....I sure am glad I was able ta see Russels grave from 500ft. above.........Now I KNOW he was loony.........uuhmmmmm yeah.
I had read that it was not in Russell's will he be buried in a pyramid but rather that of his x wife and some others that still believed in the pyramid, Russell abandoned any belief and was maily of curiosity, that he thought the great pyramid was the bible in stone, as he thought their being 144,000 stones and Christ being the chief corner stone, the top of the pyramid would come of and zoot into the sky with all of christs anointed ones.
Russell was using many masonic symbols and that alone makes him suspect of being involved in the occult. There may be a Christian explanation to these symbols but I doubt whether this is the real explanation that he gave them to him secretly they had another meaning. Why out of all symbols in existence should he choose masonic ones? It can't be just a coincidence.
The cross and crown may mean martyrdom and glory to an ordinary person but to the initiated it may mean something very different. I think Russell was being double faced his sayings meant one thing to the uninitiated and another to the initiated.
WOW! Thanks thecarpenter for the pictures! Truely eye opening!!
The Cross & Crown is a traditional Christian symbol. The Bible Students are not the only ones to use it. So do Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Christian Scientists and others. Have you never heard of the motto "No Cross, no Crown"? In our local cemetery is a very prominent monument belonging to an Episcopalian lady, bearing that emblem. The symbol is apparently not exclusive to the Masons. It's kind of like the wedding ring; not only pagans wear them.
However, no matter how wrong Russell or the Bible Students might have been at that time, no matter how wrong how their interest in the Great Pyramid was, or the political motives that Rutherford might have had in putting it up, nevertheless they built it in honor of other human beings who had died or would die, and shows that they at least cared.
And that is the one of the issues.
A religion that today teaches its members to not celebrate their own birthdays or honor their parents on Mother's Day or Father's Day, erected this monument to honor a man. Not God, not Christ...but a man.
It was mentioned that some JWs think that it was put up by dissidents. What this shows is that some JWs are even embarrassed by such a display of idolizing a man that they have to delude themselves into thinking that what they see isn't real. Cognitive dissonance at its best.
drew sagan
I live about 30 minutes away from the place. Pretty strange stuff indeed.
There is an old 'Bible Students Convention' pamphlet that gives some details on the pyramid. I believe that all of his books as well as a few other items are in a sealed metal box that is in the center of it.
I also believe there is a plaque of some kind downtown Pittsburgh that says something about Russell as well. -
drew sagan
I also heard that per Russell's instructions there where to be no people of color buried above him in the cemetery.
1. has Russells name
what is the 2. 3. etc for?