Reminder for assistance for FlyingHighNow
by bebu 25 Replies latest jw friends
Stopping by to say thank you for any and all help. It has been making life bearable, not to have to worry about money as much. Take a look at the thread about Andy's accident to see pics of Julian enjoying a 4th of July BBQ and to hear about his new little friend, Ricky Bobby. You can find it by clicking on the topics I have started.
Again, Ricky Bubby or whatever the little guy's name is will be a blessing for Julian. Something he can love and tell his troubles to. And animals will always listen w/o judgment. How cool is that?
Love and peace to you and yours hon.
Juni, we are already in love with the hamster. Tonight Julian is invited to his Ukranian friend's birthday. It's being held at Craig's Cruisers. I hope he has an amazing time.
FlyingHighNow is still in need of assistance, thou she has returned to work, between catching up on health insurance premiums and working only part time, her take home pay won't pay the bills.
FHN, has some tough decisions to make about their future and Andy is in no condition to help with those decisions . If we could just help a for little bit longer, FHN can the time to make the best decisions.
FHN, i am really unable to offer financial assistance at this moment but i promise you the second that changes i will do what i can, also will take a view on the situation later this month.
Thoughts are with you, your in our prayers.
Take care xx
Just bumping this topic again..
Please if you can help them folks, do so instead of thinking about it. I've been in difficult situations and nothing makes you feel better than some support from friends.
I am hoping to send some money myself over next month.
This is a bump to the top, and I ask that people please consider sending a paypal gift (pm me for FHN's email address) to help defray the bills.
YAY, FHN is able to handle work again! And is pursuing new leads.
YAY, Andy is doing so much better than originally anticipated.
YAY, Julian will not be taken from FHN's custody!!
YAY, Ricky Bobbi has been found! <--consider that a hamster
Your support, with words, email, cards, posts on JWD, and by financial gifts have really made a difference in this family. THANK YOU for stepping up!!!!!!
Special need right now: Getting the car's multiple problems fixed!! We're almost at the end, folks, so if you can send FHN a gift to help her get her car fixed (and pay for gas and insurance), please, please do so. Every bit, even $5 or $10, will count.
emoticon-crazy class