by Dansk 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I'm glad your feeling good Ian. Thanks for sharing.

  • Dansk

    Wow, so many wonderful replies so quickly!!

    Trev, I truly send my love and hugs to you and Linda. From one who knows!!

    Ozzie, you've ALWAYS been an inspiration and are what JWD is all about.

    Juni, your posts and off-list contact always build me up.

    NJ, you've come a long way in a short time and are now part of the fabric. Stay around!

    Nvrgnbk, I've always derived immense pleasure from your posts. Thanks for your continued support.

    Pubsinger, it was great meeting you at the Curryfest. My younger son wants to learn acoustic guitar. Any recommendations (got to be local)?

    Josie, your posts have often had me laughing my socks of. Your latest picture is a beauty

    Drew, you have given me encouragement in your posts (even to others) and on the vigil thread. Thanks!

    Love to ALL,


  • LiveLife

    Well done, Ian!

    And it is indeed good for any who choose to live it. For those who shrink in fear from life it can be a needlessly nightmarish place.

    We can all shrink from life and die, or ...


  • poppers

    Thanks for the update, Dansk. It great to hear how good you're feeling. Although I don't respond much to your posts I've always had a deep respect for your views and your way of expressing yourself (must be the journalist in you).

  • Seeker4

    Glad to hear it Dansk, from on atheist journalist to another!

    Monday is press day here at my paper, so Tuesday is a little bit of a breather day before things go crazy again. A good day to contemplate that life is indeed good!

    Love Hitchens, Harris, Dennett, and all the rest of the "we're sick of not being able to rationally question religion and we're not going to take it anymore" crowd.

    Enjoy your meadows and your woods. I live in the rurals as well.

    Good news on the cancer.


  • hillary_step


    We have watched your struggle with your cancer with a mixture of deep concern and great admiration. You are a courageous person with a big heart, and the world needs you for a little while longer.

    I share your love of the English countryside, but worry for its future. I am old enough to remember Swallowtail butterflies in the beautiful Hertfordshire landscape, a sight long since a memory. With eighty percent of the meadows in the UK cut down since World War II you have your work cut out for you!

    Take care - HS

  • Hortensia

    thanks for sharing! I'm so glad you feel wonderful! A garden is really helpful isn't it? And watching wildlife is so encouraging. From my back yard I can watch the little desert quail (love to listen to them) and road runners, lots of hummingbirds, little critters like ground squirrels and desert cats and bob cats - have seen them all around my house. Also bigger critters like mountain lions and coyotes roam through here - fortunately seldom see a mountain lion, they are dangerous, but often see coyotes. Have a couple of eagles in the neighborhood, lots of hawks. One of the amazing things is the migration of butterflies through here every year, they travel from Mexico to the Pacific Northwest, passing through here is huge swarms.

  • Flowerpetal


    I agree; thanks for your inspiration! I have a best friend who borders on being atheist/agnostic. Her and her hubby have lots of religious/spirtual discussions (he was raised by JW parents, but never got baptized). But I think she is on the spiritual side as well. Saw Christopher Hitchens on Real Time With Bill Maher and decided I want to read his book too.

    Good luck to your hospital stay.

  • Xena

    I'm glad to hear you are doing so well Dansk. Can't wait to see you again and meet your wife!

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Thanks for posting that Dansk!

    It's really encouraging to hear you are feeling so good!


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