Did Kangaroos Hop All The Way From Ararat?
by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends
If evolution is false and the account about Noah's Ark is true, then how did kangaroos get to Australia?
Good question. The mental gymnastics required to make the facts fit the biblical account should at the very least give pause for thought. Biblical apologists have no doubt invented all sorts of "explanations" that don't contradict their story, but they haven't done the obvious, namely, remove the presumption that the bible was written by God. Once you do this, there's no reason to try to explain the fauna - and flora - of Australia with respect to a global flood. The reason that animals in Australia are different from those anywhere else on earth and have significant similarities to each other is because they evolved there in isolation. Australia became an island and the animals there no longer had the opportunity to interbreed with animals elsewhere. Further, movement of animals to and from Australia was virtually impossible.
Science as usual elegantly explains the world we see while religion has no explanatory power but must resort to heaping absurdity upon absurdity in order to try to make it's Bronze Age myths conform to reality.
Very thought provoking indeed!! It's so much fun being able to have an independent spirit and think for myself and use common sense now!!
I read the thread that nvrgnbk posted - so like the society to respond the way they did...as if to say "how dare you question what we've said, it's our way or no way". Oh go read what we've published and that's our answer and you'll feel better by preaching to others the good news
Metatron:I was frustrated in trying to find a simple argument in favor of evolution... In Australia, I think we have an example that the average person - or Witness - can quickly grasp.
Unfortunately, your example has nothing at all to do with evolution, and is simply one of hundreds of thousands of reasons why one particular creation story is factually ridiculous.
This line of thought mirrors the WTB&TS and other creationist's folly-- that if they were to penetrate the case for biological evolution, this would somehow give more plausibility to their own explanations.
Australia's unique species do, of course, offer excellent evolutionary examples (see here, for example). Understanding these examples, and their deep implications, is not the work of a single anecdote, however.
That's why you see up-and-coming Evolutionary Biologists lugging around thousand-page textbooks every day, and not twenty-paragraph magazine articles once a week.