I will not give multiple choice answers to choose from, since there is a wide variety of beliefs out there,
so anyone who has an opinion and would like to share it, I welcome your thoughts
by eclipse 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I will not give multiple choice answers to choose from, since there is a wide variety of beliefs out there,
so anyone who has an opinion and would like to share it, I welcome your thoughts
Those who I know ascribe to beliefs that embrace the range of human desire such as lust without condemning them as sins outright. They seek not to harm other people or animals (despite all the negative publicity that links some satanists to animal or infant sacrifice rituals). Satan is seen typically not as a spiritual figure in opposition to god but more as representative of humanity. Overall it's a very interesting philosophy and I found LaVey's Satanic Bible to be intriguing. Not precisely what I am looking for but certainly not the "evil" some would make it out to be. There is a pretty good section about LaVey in Marilyn Manson's autobiography as well (Long Hard Road out of Hell).
Not precisely what I am looking for
Since when is discovering reality about what one is looking for?
I found LaVey's Satanic Bible to be intriguing. Not precisely what I am looking for but certainly not the "evil" some would make it out to be.
I too have read LaVey's Satanic Bible...
Here is an excerpt :
Called "The Black Pope" by many of his followers, Anton LaVey began the road to High Priesthood of the Church of Satan when he was only 16 years old and an organ player in a carnival:"On Saturday night I would see men lusting after half-naked girls dancing at the carnival, and on Sunday morning when I was playing the organ for tent-show evangelists at the other end of the carnival lot, I would see these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children, asking God to forgive them and purge them of carnal desires. And the next Saturday night they'd be back at the carnival or some other place of indulgence.
"I knew then that the Christian Church thrives on hypocrisy, and that man's carnal nature will out!"
From that time early in his life his path was clear. Finally, on the last night of April, 1966 - Walpurgisnacht, the most important festival of the believers in witchcraft - LaVey shaved his head in the tradition of ancient executioners and announced the formation of The Church Of Satan.
He had seen the need for a church that would recapture man's body and his carnal desires as objects of celebration. "Since worship of fleshly things produces pleasure," he said, "there would then be a temple of glorious indulgence..."
Since when is discovering reality about what one is looking for? -nvr
Are you stating that satanism is reality? or what did you mean by that?
and what are your thoughts on satanists and their beliefs?
The following is a partial excerpt of a writing on the subject. Please note that the figures are symbolic and allegorical in nature:
Satan and The Watchers are thus symbols of rebellion against
tyrannical god and moral concepts which stifle human ascent. We
take our
stand on the side of rebellion leading to liberation from slave
moralities and ideologies, the chief one being in the West at this time
Judaeo-christianity, with Marxism and the Puritan money ethic
liberalism) being excrescences of this heritage.
As advocates of continuing human ascent - biological, spiritual
intellectual - we adherents of the Left-Hand Path embrace the spirit
of the
fabled Order of Watchers for Liberty and progress.
OOPS - gotta go... NVR's caught me posting on a Satanic thread.
Since when is discovering reality about what one is looking for? -nvrAre you stating that satanism is reality? or what did you mean by that?
and what are your thoughts on satanists and their beliefs?
The question simply asks if one's search for truth should ever be about what one is looking for or comfortable with. If that is the case, one has their answer before even asking the question. Dangerous thought process in my opinion.
Did you just change the title of this thread ?
Am I mental ?
If I am not, then HOW did you do that ?
lol, when you hover your MOUSE over your thread title, it gives you the same editing options as your post..
so I changed it...so that the Christians / religious JWD'iers here would feel safe to share their ideas too