The hypocrisy. It drove me nuts that I would go to someone's door trying to get them to take the Watchtower and Awake and yet if that person offered me some of their literature, I was not allowed to take it. I debated this with an elder recently and we went back and forth for a while. He told me they don't take them because they have "the truth" and so they don't need to read any other literature. To which I replied that the person on the other end also has the same conviction for what they believe, making you a complete hypocrite for forcing yours but not taking theirs... I even went as far as telling the elder, "Let's say for arguments say you do indeed have the truth. Your belief is firm and you can defend it with the Bible. Your faith is that strong and its backed by your works. Then you have no need to worry about taking someone else's literature because you can always prove them wrong, or put nicely, show them the right way". He had nothing to say to that... but still indicated they could not take anything.
It felt good to tell an Elder the truth, that he was a hypocrite!
The other thing I am disappointed with is how much they preach love from the platform. In all my experiences, I saw very little evidence that anyone in the congregation loved my family. Again, hypocrites.