I find it interesting reading posts from ex-Witnesses or those that are slipping away and yet the terminology is still brain-washed into us. I mean, I've managed to stop using the terms myself. Sometimes I might catch myself using the term "the truth" or "brother" or "sister", but I quickly correct myself.
The fact is for me, as much as I agree with a lot of their values and beliefs, those people were not my "brothers and sisters" nor was the organization "the truth". It took me a long while to realize how entrenched I had become in using those terms when there was no validity to them, at least for me. It almost made me feel as those I had been brainwashed, because a clear indication of that is not recognizing your everyday thoughts and actions have now become normal... Its not until you step away that you realize how far you had travelled.
So I'm curious how everyone else feels about this. Thoughts? Feelings? And for those that still use the terminology, why do you (not meant in a bad way either, just wondering)?