? for you all

by MUNKAFATS 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    JWs vary on how far they take this concept. This is a great example of contradictory teaching. When something good happens to a JW it is from Jehovah, when something good happens to a worldly person it is from Satan. Yet, when something bad happens to a JW it is from Satan but when something bad happens to a worldly person it is them reaping what they sew.

    A friend of mine was d/f 20 years ago as a teenager, whilst his sister was Bethelite etc. The sisters husband and two children are all bipolar, and struggle to get to the meetings at all, whereas the d/f person has a sucessful business and happy family. They all met recently after many years at the death of their father. The JW told the worldly person that it was because of Satan that he was happy and they were all miserable. It was at that point that the d/f person realised it was a blessing to have been shunned for all those years just to be free of all that destructive thinking.

  • Cicatrix

    To be honest, you really can't separate the doctrine out when you are talking JW. Everything they do is based on doctrine.

    Everything accomplished in the organisation is supposed to be done for the glory of Jehovah.There is a huge emphasis on their doctrine that "the world is passing away," and that one must always be on guard not to get caught up in "worldly things" (ie anything that doesn't advance the preaching work).Groupthink is the accepted mode-not individuality. Gifts indicate individuality and a direct link with the creator (which the WTS vocally denies with thier "faithful slave as mediator" doctrine). Independent thinking and doing is counterproductive to a groupthink society, so anyone who exhibits these characteristics are disuaded from continuing to do so. Usually, they are "counseled" that to use gifts for anything except field service will cause one to be "puffed up with pride," and glorifies the created rather than the creator. In actuality, the risk is that having and using individual gifts exposes one to OTHER MODES OF THINKING than the JW mode of unquestionably obeying the "faithful and discreet slave"/ governing body.

    When a person first gets involved with the JWs, there isn't such an emphasis on avoiding use of gifts for other endeavors. It's usually just hinted at (lest the potential convert be scared away), and the person is constantly directed to think how they can use that gift to serve Jehovah. But, if the gift isn't useful in promoting the conversion of new members, there comes a time when the person is encouraged to put use of that gift away "until the New System." Anyone who refuses to do so is then leaned on harder, and basically labeled unspiritual, selfish, or worse, "worldly" if they continue using their gift.

    JWs are taught to live for advancing the "only true religion" (ie making new converts). ANYTHING that conflicts with those aims is considered satanic.ANYTHING that even has the potential to have a person question the authority of the governing body/FDS is satanic. ANYTHING that involves time away from constant indoctrination at meetings and studying the JW books is considered satanic.

    Edited to add: They may not directly say this, but if you read enough of the personal experiences and other articles in the Watchtower and Awake magazines, and attend enough meetings, assemblies, and conventions, you get the underlying message.

    And some of the more zealous JWs do come right out and say it.

  • greendawn

    The JWs do not say that a gift of high intelligence is from satan but they rather discourage their members taht have such a gift from utilising it by getting university qualifications supposedly because the end of this world is near and it's pointless getting a degree.

    The real reason they don't want to have educated people in their org is because they can detect and expose their deceitful tactics and antagonise their policies.

  • eclipse
    would the jw then say this is from satan ? and if not then why could he not use it to his greater good , my question isnt about jw doctrine , i just think about this when jw come to visit me as its got to be from somewhere ???

    Did a JW tell you that it was from Satan???

    If they said that, you should of smacked them silly for saying such a cruel, heartless and ignorant comment.

    If any witnoid said that to me, I would tell them to take their ignorant stupidity and stick it where the sun don't shine.

  • nvrgnbk

    Well, the cult, yes I said cult(sorry jgnat ), uses the term "prideful intelligence" to describe one of the motivating factors in apostates. So it sounds like you have a future apostate on your hands there MUNKAFATS.

  • rebel8

    I know one jw parent (cough*mom*cough) who still refuses to tell her almost 40 yr old daughter what her IQ score was in school, because she claims it will "puff her up with pride". Poor girl (ahem) was not allowed to be in advanced classes in school either, for the same reason.

    That is more the issue with them--talents should not be praised, not that they're from Satan.

    You know, because celebrating your anniversary, birthday, or graduation will also puff you up with pride. (gag)

    These are the same people being told at this summer's conventions that people with college degrees are going to have new letters after their name soon: D.E.A.D. If Jehoopla hates the educated people enough to execute them, surely he must hate the smart people too.

  • nvrgnbk
    I know one jw parent (cough*mom*cough) who still refuses to tell her almost 40 yr old daughter what her IQ score was in school, because she claims it will "puff her up with pride".

    That is more the issue with them--talents should not be praised, not that they're from Satan.

    Are you really my sister rebel8? LOL!

  • rebel8

    Well, maybe. I did think it was funny that my maiden name is Nvrgnbk and here you are using the same name.

    Problem was, it was so hard to pronounce. Once I was about to give a talk and the bro introducing me just couldn't get it right..."Here is Sister Jgfddk...er..I mean Nvhfuido...oh whatever...here is Sister N."


  • nvrgnbk
    Well, maybe. I did think it was funny that my maiden name is Nvrgnbk and here you are using the same name.

    Problem was, it was so hard to pronounce. Once I was about to give a talk and the bro introducing me just couldn't get it right..."Here is Sister Jgfddk...er..I mean Nvhfuido...oh whatever...here is Sister N."




    no a witness never told me that , its just one of the many doubts i have about being a jw , i simply meant when i posted this question that if we were to spend our time witnessing them why were we not given these gifts in the new world


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