Persoanlly I think it is all the cleaning solvents and carpet shampoo residue....just kills those little swimmers off !
Why do witnesses intentionally avoid having kids?
by NotaNess 33 Replies latest jw friends
Mysterious: "I was born late in life"...........So Just how old were you when you were born? I put off having children because of the nearness of the end......I am 35 now, still have time, my wife needs to decide if she still wants to be married to me (she's still a dub), doubt she will change her mind about kids. I absolutely want a couple of kids, I just don't know how that is going to work out right now. -rassillon
Lots of people intentionally avoid having kids... JW or not. My husband and I don't have kids. Our reason is... we just don't want any. We have no desire to be parents.
I think it's very much still an issue. My brother and his wife put off having kids because of the nearness of the end! They have now just had their first one aged 40 and 39. She is much adored, but it pains me that they missed out on having a family while young. My older sister has never had children deciding to put the kingdom first and wait for the paradise, and it is NOT an excuse, she desperately wants them.
I dont think having children is frowned on now as it was at one time, but certainly NOT having them is counted as being better.
When I had mine (early 90s) some people commented that I would have to carry them through the tribulation and how would I feel to watch them being tortured etc... Cheery thoughts.
Recently close to us there was a couple who had pioneered since marraige, he was being groomed for CO, they window cleaned and owned nothing. He was killed by a drunk driver. She is now 45, has no job, no house, and no children, no education and no work experience, That really does hurt me. I know she will be 'looked after' by the cong, but when we know they gave it up for a cult.