Jigsaw puzzles anyone?

by Lady Lee 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I love them. There was a time when I always had one on a large cardboard that I could push under the sofa when I needed the table. Believe me they helped my sanity during my last few years as a dub.

    I had to give them up when I got cats because they thought all those nice little puzzle pieces were cat-sized hockey pucks. Chewed up pieces just makes the puzzle very unappealing.

    Well. I've been found a puzzle website that is awesome. Free online puzzles at http://www.jigzone.com

    You can change the size and nuumber of pieces and the cut patterns. Plus there are dozens of images to choose from.

    You don't have to register to play.

    Be careful. They are addictive.

  • rwagoner

    I love them...and I go to jigzone every day.

  • greendawn

    I also put together quite a few jigsaw puzzles and also did the trick putting them under the sofa when I needed the space. I usually work on them in autumn and winter when days get shorter and colder and indoor activities more appealing.

    It sharpens concentration, observation and logical thinking so its a good exercise for the reasoning faculty while also being enjoyable. I do puzzles with 2000 - 5000 pieces, the one I liked best was the grand canal of Venice during the carnival.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Have you tried any of the 3D puzzles?

    I've tried a few and it is quite fascinating. A couple of them were Victorian houses. And the best was a wall clock with a pendulum that actually kept time. Unfortunately I could never get it to work

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Wow! Brilliant site Lee!

    I also have cats - plus loads of books everywhere at the moment so I don't have space for a jigsaw puzzle - that site is perfect and now in my favourites list.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    rwagoner - you've been holding out on us. If you have any other great sites let us know

    greendawn - those large puzzles are awesome. I agree how it helps the mind focus especially on the small details

    sademo - glad you like it

  • greendawn

    I never tried 3-D puzzles not as yet. Putting together these puzzles does indeed sharpen the ability to detect and process fine details. Of course the bigger the puzzle the more challenging it is I have seen puzzles in the shops that have 10 000 pieces and I am sure there must be bigger ones but 5 000 is the biggest I ever solved.

    In fact the parts of a puzzle that don't have characteristic details are the hardest to solve eg a piece of blue sky or sea or clouds that all appear similar.

  • Flowerpetal

    I love jigzone and have been going there for years.

  • changeling

    Hate'um! I have a short attention span so they drive me crazy!

  • BFD

    I love jigsaw puzzles too but like greendawn it is mostly a fall/winter activity for me. I even glue them together when I'm finished and hang them up in my basement fun room. I have a puzzel of the NYC skyline with the twin towers pictured that I will start later this year.

    I'll take a look that site from home. I have dial up in the office and it's slow.


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