One of my workmates just asked or stated...why did Eve have to have a rib from Adam and all of the the other animals were just created? Funny thought but interesting.
Adam & Eve question???
by tan 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
LOL, good question..something I've wondered from time to time myself....I guess the creator thought it would speed up the body making process instead of starting from scratch all over again from dirt.
Well, up to this point, God had miraculously willed the entire universe into existence, and created all life from scratch. Yet, when it came time to make a woman, he needed to go scrounging for spare parts.
I think the extra rib was needed for structural support. Being perfect, Eve must have had quite a rack.
Darn tootin good question!! Her is my 2 cents...Since adam was created in God's image then woman (eve) was created in mans image? And a man's rib was needed for this?
It is all about reinforcing male domination.
From the Reasoning book:
rs p.433-p.434 Women******
do Christian women wear head coverings on certain occasions?Why
1 Cor. 11:3-10: "The head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God. . . . Every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head . . . For a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory. For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man; and, what is more, man was not created for the sake of the woman, but woman for the sake of the man. That is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority upon her head because of the angels." (When a Christian woman wears a head covering on appropriate occasions, this is an evidence of her respect for the headship arrangement that was instituted by God. Christ respects theocratic headship; man and woman are also obligated to do so. The first man, Adam, was not produced by birth from a woman but was created by God. When creating Eve, God used a rib from Adam as a foundation, and God stated that she was to be a helper for Adam. Thus to man, who was produced first, was assigned the position of head. The man does not wear a head covering when ‘praying or prophesying’ because, inregardtoheadship, man is "God’s image," having no earthly head in matters relating to his family. However, for a woman to ‘pray or prophesy’ without a head covering would show disrespect for man’s God-assigned position and would shame him. Even the angels, who are members of Jehovah’s wifelike heavenly organization, observe the "sign of authority" worn by faithful Christian women and are reminded of their own subjection to Jehovah.)
Adam had a father, of sorts, but no mother.
Imagine not having spent time in the arms of your own mother. Imagine never having been nursed or sung to or cuddled. What would it be like to simply "be" an adult with no life experience and no intimacy with a family of which you were a constant part with a past and a present linked together!
Babies in war-torn countries that are placed in institutions which merely house them report these grow up to be without empathy and "empty" of intimacy.
People who adopt them are heartbroken when no love is returned regardless of how well the grown child is treated later in life.
This is the sort of fate Adam would have had IF the silly story of Genesis had any reality.
A dysfunctional adult male made out of clay and forced to fellowship with animals has a rib removed and the result is a clone of himself....only female! This is God's idea of the perfect mate?
Come on, people! This is the most warped myth imaginable being passed off as history.
It is folk nonsense.
This made me think of a question from the stupid question dept...
Do men have one less rib then women do?
Do men have one less rib then women do?
All except buttlight. She is missing a rib.
There's a common urban legend that women have an extra pair of ribs... that probably started BECAUSE of the Adam and Eve story.
But it's not true.