Egypt Outlaws all Female Circumcision

by Rabbit 30 Replies latest social current

  • Rabbit

    Hoo-ray. Egypt has somewhat joined civilization.

    With all the misogynistic practises in the middle east already, taking away a woman's right to actually enjoy sexual relations, is barbaric and pitiful. Their 'lot' in life in one (1) more country just got a little better. But, I doubt this new law will stop a true religious zealot from sharpening their own pocket knife and doing god's will "in the privacy of their own home."

    Don't relax...there are still plenty of these religious mutilations going on in countries all over our world...religiously.

    AFP Egypt outlaws all female circumcision

    Thu Jun 28, 10:27 AM ET

    CAIRO (AFP) - Egypt on Thursday finally banned all female circumcision, the widely-practised removal of the clitoris which just days ago cost the life of a 12-year-old girl.

    Officially the practice, which affects both Muslim and Christian women in Egypt and goes back to the time of the pharoahs, was banned in 1997 but doctors were allowed to operate "in exceptional cases".

    On Thursday, Health Minister Hatem al-Gabali decided to ban every doctor and member of the medical profession, in public or private establishments, from carrying out a clitoridectomy, a ministry press official told AFP.

    Any circumcision "will be viewed as a violation of the law and all contraventions will be punished," said the official, adding that it was a "permanent ban".

    A survey in 2000 said the practice was carried out on 97 percent of the country's women.

    In the latest fatality, 12-year-old Bedur Ahmed Shaker was taken by her mother to a private clinic in Minya, a town on the Nile south of Cairo , for the operation. She died before she could be transferred to hospital.

    Her mother accused the woman doctor of negligence, charging that her daughter's death was linked to the anaesthetic and not the removal of the clitoris, for which she had paid 50 pounds (nearly nine dollars). Police have arrested both women.

    AFP/File Photo: Two girls sit next to an old knife that is used to perform female circumcision... View

  • J-ex-W

    Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It's about time!

  • minimus

    Why anyone would want to get rid of a clitoris is beyond me.

  • snarf

    Wow!!! Miracles do happen. I reember seeing a documentarty on it about 7 years ago and have been shocked since. Now hopefully, other african countries will follow the example and ban it all for good.

  • eclipse


    If anyone has ever read the real life experience of what it is like for a young girl to be brutally mutilated without anesthetic without medical care. Many died from bleeding to death. Many died from blood poisoning from the unclean rusted knife.

    The agony afterwards of painful sexual intercourse. Not being able to bleed normally when they get their menstrual periods, not being able to urinate in a stream, but drop by painful drop, because their entire labias were sown together to keep them ''virginal'', and then having that their entire labia ripped apart when they give birth!!

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    Fact sheet N°241
    June 2000

    Female genital mutilation

    What is female genital mutilation?

    Female genital mutilation (FGM), often referred to as 'female circumcision', comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. There are different types of female genital mutilation known to be practised today. They include:

    • Type I - excision of the prepuce, with or without excision of part or all of the clitoris;
    • Type II - excision of the clitoris with partial or total excision of the labia minora;
    • Type III - excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening (infibulation);
    • Type IV - pricking, piercing or incising of the clitoris and/or labia; stretching of the clitoris and/or labia; cauterization by burning of the clitoris and surrounding tissue;
    • scraping of tissue surrounding the vaginal orifice (angurya cuts) or cutting of the vagina (gishiri cuts);
    • introduction of corrosive substances or herbs into the vagina to cause bleeding or for the purpose of tightening or narrowing it; and any other procedure that falls under the definition given above.

    The most common type of female genital mutilation is excision of the clitoris and the labia minora, accounting for up to 80% of all cases; the most extreme form is infibulation, which constitutes about 15% of all procedures.

    Health consequences of FGM

    The immediate and long-term health consequences of female genital mutilation vary according to the type and severity of the procedure performed.

    Immediate complications include severe pain, shock, haemorrhage, urine retention, ulceration of the genital region and injury to adjacent tissue. Haemorrhage and infection can cause death.

    More recently, concern has arisen about possible transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) due to the use of one instrument in multiple operations, but this has not been the subject of detailed research.

    Long-term consequences include cysts and abscesses, keloid scar formation, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse) and sexual dysfunction and difficulties with childbirth.

    Psychosexual and psychological health: Genital mutilation may leave a lasting mark on the life and mind of the woman who has undergone it. In the longer term, women may suffer feelings of incompleteness, anxiety and depression.

    Who performs FGM, at what age and for what reasons?

    In cultures where it is an accepted norm, female genital mutilation is practiced by followers of all religious beliefs as well as animists and non believers. FGM is usually performed by a traditional practitioner with crude instruments and without anaesthetic. Among the more affluent in society it may be performed in a health care facility by qualified health personnel. WHO is opposed to medicalization of all the types of female genital mutilation.

    The age at which female genital mutilation is performed varies from area to area. It is performed on infants a few days old, female children and adolescents and, occasionally, on mature women.

    The reasons given by families for having FGM performed include:

    • psychosexual reasons: reduction or elimination of the sensitive tissue of the outer genitalia, particularly the clitoris, in order to attenuate sexual desire in the female, maintain chastity and virginity before marriage and fidelity during marriage, and increase male sexual pleasure;
    • sociological reasons: identification with the cultural heritage, initiation of girls into womanhood, social integration and the maintenance of social cohesion;
    • hygiene and aesthetic reasons: the external female genitalia are considered dirty and unsightly and are to be removed to promote hygiene and provide aesthetic appeal;
    • myths: enhancement of fertility and promotion of child survival;
    • religious reasons: Some Muslim communities, however, practise FGM in the belief that it is demanded by the Islamic faith. The practice, however, predates Islam.
    Prevalence and distribution of FGM

    Most of the girls and women who have undergone genital mutilation live in 28 African countries, although some live in Asia and the Middle East. They are also increasingly found in Europe, Australia, Canada and the USA, primarily among immigrants from these countries.

    Today, the number of girls and women who have been undergone female genital mutilation is estimated at between 100 and 140 million. It is estimated that each year, a further 2 million girls are at risk of undergoing FGM.

    Current WHO activities related to FGM
    • Advocacy and policy development

    A joint WHO/UNICEF/UNFPA policy statement on FGM and a Regional Plan to Accelerate the Elimination of FGMwere published to promote policy development and action at the global, regional, and national level. Several countries where FGM is a traditional practice are now developing national plans of action based on the FGM prevention strategy proposed by WHO.

    • Research and development

    A major objective of WHO's work on FGM is to generate knowledge, test interventions to promote the elimination of FGM. Research protocols on FGM have been developed with a network of collaborating research institutions as well as biomedical and social science researchers with linkages to appropriate communities. WHO has reviewed programming approaches for the prevention of FGM in countries and has organized training for community workers to strengthen their effectiveness in promoting prevention of FGM at the grassroots level.

    • Development of training materials and training for health care providers

    WHO has developed training materials for integrating the prevention of FGM into nursing, midwifery and medical curricula as well as for in-service training of health workers. Evidence based training workshops, to raise the awareness of health workers and to solicit their active involvement as advocates against FGM, have also been developed for nurses and midwives in the African and Eastern Mediterranean region.

    For more information contact:

    WHO Media centre
    Telephone: +41 22 791 2222
    E-mail: [email protected]

    it is one the most BARBARIC atrocities of ALL TIME that has been done to countless little girls, all in the name of culture and/or religion.

    This thread just brought back so many memories of when I was reading experiences from different african countries where they perform this disgusting, debased, inhuman ritual.

    and now you know why I dont believe in god.

    no loving god would let this go on for as long as it has...

    I dont care what religious/jesus worhsipping people have to say about God.

    NO LOVING GOD would let this happen.

    If there is a GOD, He is NOT DESERVING OF WORSHIP.

  • Rabbit

    Eclipse...thank you. I thought I knew how debased this practice was...your article proved I only knew a part of this ugliness.


    Isn't it interesting that no cultures (that I know of) ever practiced cutting off the entire pleasurable end of a man's penis ? Even if a man rapes women and children...he gets to keep his "uglies" to do it again. But, women...they gotta be controlled.


  • eclipse

    I know

    If men ever had their glands (the head of the penis - the equivalant to the female clitorus) cut off, I think it would of been put to a stop immediately...

    and WHO is the sick f#%k who THOUGHT of doing this to their prepubecent daughter in the first place!?

    Maybe a man got jealous that his wife was having multiple orgasms, and he thought it was dirty and disgusting, and didn't want his daughter to experience pleasure, or to even have sex? I cannot think it possible for a woman to have come up with FGM.

    Only a sick man would of.

    (sorry guys, I don't hate men, don't worry).

  • Scully
    taking away a woman's right to actually enjoy sexual relations, is barbaric and pitiful.

    That's how we see it in the West. In the Muslim world, the enjoyment of sexual relations by women is considered base and whorish. Besides, a woman is not a person in her own right - she is the property of her husband or father (or brother or uncle if the husband or father are not in the picture).

    Having worked with many Somali women who have been forced to submit to this heinous practice, there are simply no words to describe the horrifying results of childbirth in a woman who has had most of her external genitalia sawn off.

    Heinous is exactly the word to describe this practice - the fact that men want their women to be "pure" and expect them to be sewn almost shut for their own sexual gratification (BTW, what does that tell you about their micro-penis manhood, or lack thereof?) and then convince women to do this to little girls - to their daughters, their nieces, their little sisters, and granddaughters - is one of the most reprehensible evils imaginable.

    I am all for what Christopher Hitchens wrote in God Is Not Great - Why Religion Poisons Everything:

    By all means, let an observant Jewish male have his raw, cut penis placed in the mouth of a rabbi. That would be legal, at least in New York. By all means, let grown up women who distrust their clitoris or their labia have them sawn away by some other wretched adult female. By all means, let Abraham offer to commit suicide to prove his devotion to the Lord or to prove his belief in the voices he was hearing in his head. By all means, let devout parents deny themselves the succor of medicine when in acute pain and distress. By all means, for all I care, let a priest sworn to celibacy be a promiscuous homosexual. By all means, let a congregation that believes in whipping out the devil choose a new grown up sinner each week and lash him until he or she bleeds. By all means, let anyone who believes in creationism instruct his fellows during lunch break. But to the conscription of the unprotected child for these purposes is something that even the most dedicated secularist can safely describe as a sin.

    Let consenting adults do whatever they wish within the limits of the law - just leave the kids out of it and let them form their own opinions when they are old enough to do so.

  • nvrgnbk


    If there is a GOD, He is NOT DESERVING OF WORSHIP.

    I like the way Sam Harris put it eclipse. "Indeed, we know enough at this moment to say that the God of Abraham is not only unworthy of the immensity of creation; he is unworthy even of man."

    May the rest of the Islamic world follow Egypt's progressive example on this issue.

  • greendawn

    Barbaric medieval bastards, why shouldn't women enjoy sex and suffer mutilation to enforce that? I suppose it is the jealousy of husbands they want to ensure that their women will have no reason to have sex with other men since they can't enjoy it so they will consequently remain faithful.

    I find the figure of 97% of Egyptian women including most Christian Egyptian women to have had their clitoris removed as being very high. Do Coptic Christians practise this custom? I don't think so.

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