Couple Want Money Otherwise They Abort
by ISP 20 Replies latest jw friends
Some people have been very nice, and donated. Some have been not so nice. For your amusement, here's a sample of some of the email we've gotten. We think it's hysterical, that people would choose to moralize and rail at us instead of just ignoring us if they don't want to give, but, what are ya gonna do?
About Us
As happens to many young couples, my girlfriend and I have found ourselves confronted with a decision to make about having a child, and we're not sure what to do. There are many options available to us, and a difficult evaluation of the responsibilities and obligations, as well as the joys, that come with raising a child.Our two real options are either having and raising the child, or aborting. While we'd like to think that adoption is a viable option for us, my girlfriend doesn't believe that she'd be able to give up a child after giving birth to it, and that's not something I'm going to pressure us into doing. We also don't want to be subconsciously resentful of a child that we kept when we weren't ready for it. If we're not ready to raise it, we're not going to bring a baby into the world.
Because of the state we're in, we have about three months to make a decision one way or the other. Right now, we're leaning toward abortion. We're simply not financially secure enough to ensure that we can bring up a kid in the environment it would deserve. It's not that we're poor, we just don't have the stability that we think having a baby necessitates.
Please don't mis-understand, it's not that we _want_ to abort the baby. Although neither of us is particularly pro-life, we don't want to have to have an abortion. We think we'd be pretty good parents, and we both would enjoy raising a kid. We're both from pretty good stock, well educated and intelligent. We'd be able to raise the child in a good environment, teach it right, keep it out of trouble, and introduce a new productive member of humanity to the world. Our kid won't grow up and rob you.
Right now, we just can't afford it, which is why we're here, on this site. We've crunched some numbers, and we believe that, to really set ourselves up in a good environemnt for the baby, we need $50,000. That'll give us the down payment on a decent house, get us a car that runs reliably, allow us to save away a little for the baby's college fund, cover any medical bills (she's uninsured), and give us a little buffer while she's not working.
We Need Your Help
It comes down to this. If we can't raise the $50,000 in the next 3 months, we'll have to choose abortion. We don't like it, and we don't like the nature of our appeal, but it is what it is. We're asking you to donate money to us using the link to your left. Anything you can give would be appreciated.Understand that you are giving the money to us, with no obligation on our part. We want to remain anonymous, for our sake and for that of our child, if we have one. We don't think it'd be right for anyone to know that their existance depended upon a fiscal calculation, regardless of the rationality of that decision. We're not going to contact you, we're not going to post pictures, we're not going to give you status updates. After three months, our decision will be made, and this site will go away.
We're not a non-profit, we're going to pay taxes on anything that's given to us. You can't write off anything you give us on your taxes. We're not a registered corporation or organization. We're just two people.
Please do not attempt to contact us. We have registered and hosted this site through a company that allows for anonymity in that proces, and are having them handle our donations as well. They will not tell you our names, because they don't know them. They don't know how to contact us. When the time's up, we'll get ahold of them and tell them how to get us the money.
We appreciate your time, and hope that you'll be able to give something. We know this isn't exactly tasteful, but that doesn't change our situation.
Thanks for all your supportive emails. The non-supportive ones, well, they're entitled to their opinion.
We've been asked the same questions by many people. I'll answer them here, to minimize confusion.1. What happens to the money if you end up aborting? - If we have an abortion, we will donate 100% of the money we receive to a national, recognized, legit charity dedicated to helping people in our situation out. Probably a pro-life group.
2. Why didn't you just use birth control? - We do.
3. You're disgusting! How dare you place a monetary value on the life of a child! - Don't be absurd. The question of finances is always a decision when confronted with the choice of having a child. And for you pro-choice people out there, many of your arguments for abortion deal with the financial consequences of raising a child. So don't look down your nose at us because we're up front about it.
4. You don't need $50,000/house/car to raise a baby! - No, you're right. We don't need it to raise a baby. But it's still a precondition to the kind of life that we think is necessary to raising a healthy, well-balanced child, and we're not going to give birth until we've reached that level of security. You may disagree with our reasoning, but there it is.
5. Your child will be damaged from this! - No it won't, becaue we would never tell a.) anyone, b.) the child specificially. Thats why we want to remain anonymous. -
I think it is a big scam. No one will ever really know if this couple kept the baby or not. There are many places you can get assistance to help with the costs of having a child. I think if you care about the baby inside you, then the issue of having a house would not even be an expectation. I think anyone who gives money to this person has been totally fooled. Afterall there isn't even proof of a pregnancy.
Yep I'm sure it is a scam!!
They definitely do not need 50 grand to raise a healthy balanced child, that's BULLCRAP.
Why is this couple expecting other people to put money towards their child?
Everyone else looks after their children without handouts from strangers, why can't they?.
It is a scam I'm sure.
The hubby/boyfriend probably owes money to his drug dealer / bookie, and doesn't want to get the shit beat out of him, or killed.
otherwise, why ask for such a specific sum of money?
scam or else they are the most fucking selfish people on earth - quick give me $50,000.00 or I'll kill my own kid. Man, that's disgusting.
It's a very queer kind of request they will abort the child if they can't get the money to bring it up decently. I think they weaved a cunning deception in order to rob people off their money in broad daylight. Let's not forget anyone can be anything on the internet and they may not even have a child coming. It could be just one single man that wrote the story, a con artist.
This is the UK!
We have maternity benefits. The government provide Family Allowance of over £15 per week for the eldest child. They provide Family Tax Credit and also pay towards child care for working Mums.
This is a Scam.
I suggest that this couple both go and get sterilized and bugger off the internet. In future, practice safe sex, and if you can't do the 'time' don't do the 'crime'.
What a pair of morons!!
Top scam! Pro-lifers will donate just out of guilt, and if it's real, the baby is better off dead than with parents like those anyway.
Maybe somebody ought to chip in to get them sterilized. What selfish godless filth.