Well my JW in- laws are here for the yearly visit . yeah.... Last night they came by after the meeting . We had a nice chat catching up except dear mom kept re-directing the conversation to all their recent theocratic activities ...They just went on the full scale pilgrimage to Bethel , Patterson ,and Walkill, and paid great homage to the grand publishing company . I played nice and just nodded and said ' Oh how nice for you I bet the scenery was beautiful ." Of course she had to throw in that they hob nobbed with some Brother big britches that works in the writing committee . She says to her husband , "Remember how he said no matter that they work shoulder to shoulder with anointed ones every day ,if they missed the meetings they would die spiritually ." At that point my son couldn't take it any more and left the room . He later told me how mad she was making him going on and on about that stuff when she knows we don't care anymore. He said he doesn't care if he see's them anymore because they really don't care about us . Not once did she ask him how he is doing or what was going on in his life . They make it a point to stay with worldly family and make special arrangements to get together with them , but because we no longer attend meetings we have to call first before we come over to visit in case other witnesses may be there.
JW mother in law's comments nearly send my son into outrage ....
by troubled mind 20 Replies latest jw friends
Open mind
(Who was that female crooner from the 60s or 70s?)
Open Mind
"Remember how he said no matter that they work shoulder to shoulder with anointed ones every day ,if they missed the meetings they would die spiritually ."
Yeah...I remember that kind of remark when they talked about "when the persecution hits" and we HAVE to make all the meetings to know where the next one will be. Such FEAR TACTICS to keep the JWs clinging to every word they say. They demonstrate they do NOT have (or put) any trust in God, in Jesus Christ or in the Holy Spirit that the bible SAYS is the helper OF CHRISTIANS!! Relying on the opinions of MEN s all they have.
Not once did she ask him how he is doing or what was going on in his life .
They truly do not CARE! They prove it in everything they (don't) say or (don't) do in connection with anyone in the family. UNLESS there is a chance that one will "come back" to the WTS---they are not WORTH discussing.
I feel for those of you that have to put up with rude JWs like this....family or not.
Of course she had to throw in that they hob nobbed with some Brother big britches that works in the writing committee . She says to her husband , "Remember how he said no matter that they work shoulder to shoulder with anointed ones every day ,if they missed the meetings they would die spiritually ."
I've haven't heard this one before. LOL.
(Who was that female crooner from the 60s or 70s?)
Open Mind -- that was Roberta Flack with Donnie Hathaway.
It may sound cold, but this experience indicates there are certain advantages to being disfellowshipped. I don't have to put up with the smug self-righteous "we're better because we're JW" attitude of certain individuals to whom I happen to be related.
troubled mind
You know it is just dawning on me how screwed up my in laws really are because of the borg. For years my MIL would come to me for a listening ear because of how others in the hall mistreated her worldly daughter . Then when her hubby became an elder she felt great pressure and I was there for her to vent to . She went through some terrible sad times losing five of her family members (mom,dad ,sisters and a brother) with in a very short time , I was there at the hospital each time and tried my best to be encouraging and supportive .For years she would call and cry her eyes out because they felt they had to shun their disfellowshipped younger son . Now because I called and was honest with her and told her I will NEVER shun any of my children ever and that I can no longer attend meetings listening to men making rules over men . ..She has no time to talk to me ........
choosing life
How old is your son? It is a shame they don't take this time to get to know him and what is going on in his life. I have grandchildren and I really try to talk with them and find out what interests them. That's what grandparents are for, to show them attention and maybe even spoil them a little.
Anyone, whether a jw or not, who talks only about themselves and their interests only are just plain selfish. Maybe you could try to redirect the conversation some? Might not work if they are just trying to show you what good dubbies they are.
it's the only thing that they think is important. if i talked to worldly people at school my mom would get mad at me and ask me why i didn't talk to them about 'the truth' if i really cared about them. pfffft ...same concept. in their warped heads they think they are doing you a great service by running their mouths about watchtower-la-la-land.
so not only do JW relatives avoid family social events such as holidays they also spend any time they have with you trying to find an opening to preach to your heathen self. it's no possible to have a REAL relationship. -
This behavior by JW's seems rude, and yet is rooted in insecurity which flares any time someone doesn't validate them by believing the same as they do.
This need for spiritual acceptance is akin to emotional immaturity that is most common to pre-teens and teenagers, for whom acceptance is vitally important.
When adults display this though, it is especially pathetic. But longtime JW's who have invested many decades into propping up their belief system feel especially insecure and even 'rejected' when others do not fall into line with their beliefs.
We'd like the JW's to act like adults and accept that others can have various opinions and that's okay, but because their "truth is a way of life" to them, it doesn't happen often.
Even worldly non Jw's call their in laws out laws.
Tv is full of comedic routines of inlaw outlaw friction.