Hey folks. Mr. Flipper here. When I was a witness , like a lot of you, remember we'd all scramble around at the end of the month asking each other, ( or your book study conductor would remind you) to turn our time in for field ministry ? Even though it was supposed to be between you and Jehovah how much time you got in, it seemed to me that at times it was like a competition thing, especially with pioneers. I remember hearing regular pioneers brag to other pioneers that "I got my 1000 hours in 9 months time, so I can take 3 months off virtually from the ministry." I always thought, that's a hell of a motive. Now you can go on vacation from what you consider to be the most important work in the world, saving people, "alledgedly" to not giving a rat's butt and rest. Weird thinking to me. Hey, here is a concept. What if the governing body came out with a new rule saying "no more counting of time accepted, because God knows you should be doing this from your heart anyway to help people. So how can you measure that ?" I mean it would certainly test their motive for going in service, ya think? If they were doing it strictly as a volunteer thing for others and not allowed to count time, would it separate the "spiritual" men and women from the "spiritual" boys and girls? What do you all think? Think they would ever not report time? Or do they like the notoriety of their statistics? Would enjoy your feed back. Thanks, and peace to you all, Mr. Flipper
Would Witnesses Go Out in Ministry if They Didn't Allow Counting Time?
by flipper 35 Replies latest jw friends
Last summer I bumped into a group of dubs that were going d2d and I asked about it. They told me that it wasn't required, that it was voluntary. I felt they weren't telling me the whole story based on what I've learned here.
well, it's not just counting time. There are all those people who think it's their job to run your life! They would still put the pressure on for you to go out in service.
I think participation in field service would drop immediately by about 50% in terms of people that take part in it. The pioneers would definitely stop putting in all that time in service. I think about half of all publishers go out in service at least once a month because (a) they want to keep the elder off of their backs, and/or (b) they think it's a requirement to survive Armageddon.
I think at least half of all publishers would still get out at least once a month because either (a) they think it really is a life-saving work and/or (b) they want to appear to be more spiritual than everybody else. However, if the society genuinely stopped pushing service and eliminated it as a requirement for any "privilege," my guess is that in a few years virtually no one would take part in it.
Poppers, Did you ask them if they reported the time they spent? or if service was voluntary?
Either way, saying it's voluntary is BS, service is NOT voluntary, it's a requirement....lying losers.
hahhahahaha I thought my post was BLANK for a second ,,,,
forgot that it was stretched out to kingdumb come
Vernon Williams
Field service "time" has got to be the BIGGEST joke on the planet.
I have seen a group pile into a big van, go in the rurals, talk to two people, and there would be 18 hours turned in. I know a former pioneer: a "pioneer family" always chose to go with her: they would sleep while she worked and, then, count all the snooze time as "service."
The total time spent would drop. How, much...who knows?.....no one counting....
Why is the formatting all messed up?
Why is the formatting all messed up?
I did it on accident never.
I was just HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA too hard!