Transcript from DC audio: "The Superiority of Being Taught By Jehovah"

by LiveLife 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • LiveLife

    It is tough for me to pick a starting point in demolishing the reasoning in this talk, but I figure I can start with sister Tracy Fuentes:

    TF: No. It was a disappointment for me. I did work within my field for a little while, but, I didn't even need my degree for what I was doing. And my current employment has nothing to do with the field that I studied. And Brother Prince, let's not even mention the student loans that I'm still paying, and I've been out of school for over ten years now.

    She is married to an ex-jock JW. She was a kinesiologist, the physical therapy side of medicine's equivalent to an oral hygeinist. She doesn't say what her current employment is, but if she is baby sitting with sister Russo or cleaning house for those same teachers sister Russo sits for, maybe that is why it is taking so long to pay back those damn loans ...

    If not for her College education, she wouldn't have met her husband and she wouldn't be able to be proud of her son that she has.

    Next, I have to mention brother Prince's effective use of droning repitition:

    There's also lots of demands. The demands of keeping up with schoolwork and doing well on examinations can crowd out your spiritual activities. It's demanding. You have to try to maintain certain grades and things of that nature, it can be very demanding.

    How do you maintain "certain grades"? By keeping up with schoolwork and doing well on examinations ... but he says this as if it is two separate things.

    Higher education is very expensive in many places. It can take years of secular work to pay off student loans. So, higher education is not free, you have to pay for it and it's gonna take you some time to possibly pay off money that you've borrowed.

    WTF? [*wags head at self for ever believing this sh--*]

    Let's talk about higher education. What does "higher education" mean?

    Yes, brother Prince. Very convincing argument: I must explain to these people what "higher education" means, thereby proving they don't need any more education.

    Ungodly conduct such as binge drinking, sexual immorality is common on many University campuses.

    And in many congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and in many neighborhoods where they go to preach ... whatever could possibly be your point, brother Prince?

    TF: Well, the challenge was that my degree wasn't ... didn't qualify me for anything real specific, I wasn't able to go get a ... a real job. So, in order to be more specific within my field I needed more schooling, which I wasn't willing to do from a time standpoint, but also financially because it was getting very expensive.

    In other words, "I say higher education is pointless because I was unwilling to spend the necessary time and resources to make it worthwhile for my life." She crapped out of life and blames ... herself! Please explain what the heck that has to do with higher education being pointless?

    Of course if you pursue a Bachelors of Science for Kinesiology you will have to parlay that into a specialty field to make money. Duh! But there are plenty of other high-demand four-year-degree fields that she could have pursued instead.

    But, all-in-all, sister Russo takes the cake. She was praised (flattered) by people who couldn't find a baby sitter that pleased them. Anyone who has ever looked for a sitter knows how tough it can be to find someone willing to care for your brat. So, sister Russo was in the right place at the right time and happened to need an ego stroking (that last isn't unusual for JWs). Because of that, she didn't need no College edumacashun ... her husband is the primary breadwinner (and no one said whether he has a degree). She can work without any promise of retirement and without benefits and teach her son (who is going to Bethel) to do the very same.

    Blech! to you, sister Russo, as you strive to be nothing in this world and achieve it in a resoundingly successful way!

  • Flowerpetal

    The speaker sounds like he needs a basic education.

    She is married to an ex-jock JW. She was a kinesiologist, the physical therapy side of medicine's equivalent to an oral hygeinist. She doesn't say what her current employment is, but if she is baby sitting with sister Russo or cleaning house for those same teachers sister Russo sits for, maybe that is why it is taking so long to pay back those damn loans ...

    Of course if you pursue a Bachelors of Science for Kinesiology you will have to parlay that into a specialty field to make money. Duh! But there are plenty of other high-demand four-year-degree fields that she could have pursued instead


    So, sister Russo was in the right place at the right time and happened to need an ego stroking (that last isn't unusual for JWs). Because of that, she didn't need no College edumacashun ... her husband is the primary breadwinner (and no one said whether he has a degree). She can work without any promise of retirement and without benefits and teach her son (who is going to Bethel) to do the very same.

    And I guess sister Russo never thinks it's wise to prepare for "unforseen" circumstances, such as her breadwinner hubby could lose his job, or worse...then what would she do?

  • Gill

    What a Bizarre talk!

    So, they are trying to say that kids who finish school at 16 or 17 and go into full time work don't have sex, drink, even binge drink, go to partys etc?

    This age group has similar 'tastes'. Not ALL of them behave in an irresponsible manner and it is easy to pick out the minority and paint them as the majority.

    The WT so hates education that it equates education with immorality and bad behaviour and that is what anyone 'stupid' would say. Could it be jealousy of the 'educated' and 'fear' of what education can teach someone that keep the GB on their education hate campaign.

    It is so sad to see intelligent children unable to continue with their education and suffer a life time of struggles. It is equally sad to see intelligent Jehovah's Witness children DENIED the opportunity of furthur education by paranoid parents who equate education with wild sex and alcohol and nothing else because they themselves are so uneducated that they are unable to use critical thinking capacities.

  • Flowerpetal

    I just remembered something...some of you "oldtimers" (said in jest) might remember the Qualified To Be Ministers book? I remember, as a kid, overhearing a brother state in conversation once, that studying that book would give you the equivalent of a college education.

  • BluesBrother

    Interesting choice of experience.. The degree subject kinesiology has been slated by the WT as "demonic" . I knew someone who practised it and lost all her dub patients after this article appeared. I gather this girl who gave the experience was not a Witness at the time.



    Likely, many who do such muscle testing (kinesiology) would say that their practice differs from what was just described, that no spiritism is involved, or that they do no emotional testing. Nevertheless, is what they do still based on a belief in forces within each human that can be tested or seen only by certain people claiming special powers?
  • greendawn

    Another classic piece of anti education popaganda. Above all he didn't explain how the uneducated dubs will be financially secure, jehovah doesn't want them to be so but many uneducated dubs are, even the ones capable of a university degree who forewent the opportunity under the advice of the FDS.

    The want the drones to serve the WTS (jehovah as they put it) under the pretext of a pseudo spiritual pursuit working for the interests of a man made organisation.

  • poppers

    "Who teaches us? We have the greatest teacher. We are taught by Jehovah."

    So that would mean that on your resume you can list "Jehovah" when it comes to your educational background.

  • Flowerpetal

    Good one Poppers!

    Just wanted to add that both my kids are in college and both are out of the country on a summer class program. My son is in Japan and my daughter was in France, visiting art museums and next is going to Venice and then Germany. Germany for fun.

    This is the first time my son was ever on an airplane--but he loved it. We are communicating with him thru Skype and he's having some wonder experiences--visiting temples and monasteries in Kyoto, learning some Japanese. He'll be going to Tokyo soon and they are going to climb Mt. Fuji if the snow's not open to visitors till then.

    How can what the society offers young people top this?

  • blondie
  • lrkr

    So, how did he know what "Girls gone wild" is all about to reference it in a talk???

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