as im a non witness a married couple call on me every couple of weeks , the last time they called i asked them about this supposed cover up , the husband told me that hes been an elder for 17 years and in that time they have only had one episode of abuse and that frist it was handled by the org and then was sent to the proper authorities
paedophiles, what a jw told me
by MUNKAFATS 20 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
choosing life
Sounds just like what a jw would tell you.
i never believed the molastation cover up even after i left the dubs. it wasn't until a very good, trustworty friend informed me of her meeting with the local elders and how they pressed her not to go to the authorities. that's when i was a true believer.
so are you saying that all jw lie? and if you are an ex one did you lie? or did you think you were telling the truth
multiply his one occasion by the thousands of congregations in the usa and thats still a lot of pedophiles.
They are the ones that set the two witness rule which basically gives total cover to the pedophile, they surely know that it's not possible for thousands of children to lie about being abused.
yes im sure there are lots but isnt there a whole lot of organisations with paedophiles
munkafacts, i admit, i would whitewash facts or ignore them all together, not allowing myself to believe such things. witnesses may not intentionally lie to you, they lie to themselves and make up a world that isn't reality. i don't want you to make the mistake they do it on purpose. they are controlled and mis-led. i feel sorry for them.
I hope you jumped out of the way quick enough to dodge
his nose as it grew several feet and his pants as they must have exploded into flames.
greendawn are you saying that the whole jw org is just a cover for any and all paedophiles to hide