The results of Dr. Laura's parenting
by sixsixsixtynine 24 Replies latest social family
I saw this some time ago and while, it's still being investigated as to whether or not he put the pics up himself, it nontheless puts a bad twist on her advice doesn't it? I listen to her periodically but I'm not a great believer in the black and white, fundimentalist mind set such as hers. I vividly recall 2 pieces of advice she gave (my interpretation) to callers that have always stuck with me - the first was to an adult child whose mother had stayed with her father, the man who sexually abused them and the second was to an adult young woman about to be married. She doesn't turn my crank but then again, neither does Sean Hannity and they are both hardline fundis....I also find it interesting that so many people listen to a woman who TELLS them how to live their lives while at the same time, her own mother and she were disassociated for past issues and her mom died alone with her bird, undetected for days......struck me as odd. sammieswife.
her own mother and she were disassociated for past issues and her mom died alone with her bird, undetected for days......struck me as odd.
I have read that they believe she had been dead for several months before being discovered.
If his webpage were a fabrication, I'm guessing she would be the first to point it out. As far as I can tell she hasn't mentioned it once.
lol...yeah..she always starts out her show with ...I'm a proud mom of an american fighter guy..wooaaaahhh.....but her wooaaahhh was noticeably softer a week or so ago. sammieswife.
Quotes from Tribune:
Military leaders have long grappled with how to balance positive publicity and operational security with technological opportunities for troops to tell their personal stories.
The Pentagon last week shut down access to a variety of video-sharing and social networking Internet sites, including MySpace, on its computer systems worldwide. Officials said the change was made to enhance security and protect a strained bandwidht, but critics worried that it might close a public window of deployed U.S. troops, some of which can be raw, frightening, violent and revealing.Government war machine censureship at it's finest, to keep its citizens in the dark and avoid negative reactions of the public. The critics have a valid concern.
"Yes . . . F---ING Yes!!!" said one blog entry on the Schlessinger site. "I LOVE MY JOB, it takes everything reckless and deviant and heathenistic and just overall bad about me and hyper focuses these traits into my job of running around this horrid place doing nasty things to people that deserve it . . . and some that don't."
Is it any wonder with a mother like Dr. Laura, he would have a good chance in turning out to be this way?
Laura Schlessinger's appearance in Utah last week included a visit with Army families at Fort Douglas. In an interview with The Tribune, she said, "We raised our son to be a warrior." After her Utah visit, Schlessinger received criticism for telling The Tribune that she didn't want to hear the complaints of military wives whose husbands are deployed. "He could come back without arms, legs or eyeballs, and you're bitching?" Schlessinger said. "You're not dodging bullets, so I don't want to hear any whining."
With a mom like that, who raised her son to be a warrior, I can see her convoluted logic passed on to her son, poor kid he deserves better. I'm sure Dr.L would be all for a law that would put tape over the mouths of those complaining wives, and mothers. She is a real paradox.
Schlessinger later wrote on her Web site - - that she was trying to communicate her belief that military spouses shouldn't complain to war-deployed family members, who have more pressing concerns. "I never whine to my son when he is able to call between missions," she wrote. -
I stopped listen to Dr. Laura after I found out she is not even a shink. She has a major in Physiology, not Psycology. She can teach high school gym, and help you with in your exercise routine. She on the other hand is not qualified to give anyone psycological advise.
I could NEVER listen to her!!! She was over the top on most of her advice and I've never been a fan...
If I remeber right didn't she cheat on her first husband too.
Maybe the kid is rebeling against his mother or simply reflecting the true nature of his mother?
AK - Jeff
I always thought the self righteous Doctor was a bitch. I class her and Judge Judy in the same vain. I have seen both of them cut off others in order to have greater 'air time' to dispense personal attack.
Likely the hell that private Schlessinger is enduring in Afghanastan is peaceful compared to being at home with Super Doc.