Dubs gather at Dome - news article & comment
by Nathan Natas 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Nathan Natas
Here is the text an an email I sent to the reporter who covered this story:
Dear Janet I. Tu,
I read with interest your article about the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses being held at the Tacoma Dome this weekend. As you pointed out, the theme of the meeting is "Follow the Christ." Doesn't the wording of that phrase seem a little odd? Why not just "Follow Christ"? Who or what do Jehovah's Witnesses mean when they talk about THE Christ?
You may know that the literal meaning of CHRIST is "anointed." So the convention theme might be re-phrased as "Follow the Anointed." And who are "the anointed"? According to the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, "the anointed" are the leaders of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. Pretty slick, eh? So the secret meaning of their convention theme is "Follow Us." I'll bet they didn't tell you that.
I was raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses and left that cult organization in my early 20s. During the time I was a member I participated fully in the door-to-door distribution of Watchtower publications, was an active member of their Theocratic Ministry School, served the WTB&TS as a "pioneer minister," was appointed as a "Ministerial Servant" and gave one hour public talks. Today I like to make sure people are not easily swayed by the deceptive cultic wordplay of Jehovah's Witnesses.
In the sidebar to your article, you listed some of the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses, and included"• A clergy class is improper."
Yes, they claim that as one of their beliefs. But recently during trials in California's Napa, Yolo Placer and Tehama counties Jehovah's Witnesses claimed just the opposite, and tried to invoke "clergy-penitent privilege" to keep the WTB&TS from revealing to the court what it knows about pedophiles who victimized the children of Jehovah's Witnesses. Some of these pedophiles were ordained Jehovah's Witness ministers who were "elders" in the congregations that they victimized. Why did the WTB&TS go to such great lengths to protect pedophiles within their "non-existent" clergy class? You'll have to ask them that question. -
This article is filled with nuanced dub-speak.
All Witnesses are expected to go door to door, and "that's one of the hardest things for me to do," Payne said. "I'm a little bit shy. But then you hear the good experiences. ... It's very faith-strengthening."
What Sis. Payne really means- "I really hate door-to-door service, it really feels so unnatural. But then you hear the exaggerated and unbelievable experiences (as carefully rehearsed in front of the convention overseer) and it strengthens me to obey the organization's mandates to go out and to more of that dreadful door to door service."
They believe that the world as we know it is fast coming to an end, and that in the battle of Armageddon, God will destroy wickedness.
Meaning - God will destroy YOU , the readers of this newspaper article, unless you submit to the WTS - his earthly organization.
"it requires more than just a belief in Jesus," Schwerdtfeger said. "Action is required. We're encouraging everyone to apply Jesus' teachings in their daily life."
Whereas in traditional Christianity, acquiring faith and living it is a big enough mountain to climb, to the JW's, faith includes going door to door presenting WTS "bible-based" literature. Failure to spread their 'good news' means you'll be bird food at Armageddon.
And if you're a former member, you are more than "encouraged" to believe JW's. You are threatened with shunning, and the resulting ridicule and gossip, if you don't repent and again "apply" the organization's teachings.
Nathan..You are a trouble maker..Good for you!..LOL!!..Loved the E-mail!...OUTLAW
the literal meaning of CHRIST is "anointed." So the convention theme might be re-phrased as "Follow the Anointed."
Things to make you go hmmmmmm...............
Have the JW's overcome the Tacoma Dome parking scandal from a few years back -- the one where they collected parking fees in violation of their contract? This was a major embarrassment for the JW's a few years ago. People must still remember that whenever there's a JW convention there now.
Here's a thread with a few of the details:
keyser soze
They believe that the world as we know it is fast coming to an end
And have believed so for over 130 years.
Excellent email Nathan. Let us know if you get a response.
johnny cip
nice article Nathan; and good reply. i will not waste any time , i'm going to e mail this reporter to do a follow up article on the jw's . while it's still fresh in her mind. john
Nathan, reading the report I became suspicious that the reporter is a JW. It's just way too "reasonable" and positive for a normal report. Glad you emailed her!