Got my hands on a relatives the day after it came out.
Great piece of hardware, but the novelty wore off pretty quickly......I may be saying that because I don't have one for myself..........
The phone feature works like any other phone. With a couple of touches on the keyboard you can make a call to anyone in it's contact list. Has built in intuitive calender, and calculator. Have to hold the camera pretty still to get a decent picture but it's picture capabilities were adequate in a pinch.
It's netsurfing capabilities is part of the price you pay monthly. Unlimited netsurfing is included but you're only surfing on ATT's edge network and it is a dog slow 56K. Who surfs at that speed anymore? Once I got it to recognize my home wi-fi network it was like surfing on any computer connected to a broadband service. Sweet!!!! The page auto-changes from portrait to landscape mode if you turn the phone 90 degrees. This is especially useful for when you're trying to type in a URL to a page as in portrait mode, they keys are pretty small and the hamfisted will be constantly making adjustments. To enlarge a page on the screen, you just put your thumb and pointer finger together on the screen and spread them out. This makes it easier to read, scroll left right up or down to a particular point on the screen and tap on the screen to go to a hot link.
On the screen were hotlinks to google maps, weather and SMS. Also had a shortcut to you-tube where I downloaded a music video and watched it and listned to the sound from the built in speakers. Has an "airplane" switch you can use to turn off it's phone and wi-fi capabilities in one place and still use it's other features.....very thoughtful.
Didn't test any IPOD features as he didn't have any music on it but with 8 gigs of storage, it was more than adequate for boatload of music and an occasional viewable program. Would be very nice on a long trip where you can use it as a ipod plugged into and auxilary input of a car stereo and never listen to the same song twice.
The phone can be set up for all the major mail, yahoo, and a couple of others I can't remember right now. It also has support for IMAP, POP3, and surprisingly, even exchange, though you have to have IMAP enabled on the exchange server.
I'm sure there were a few other features I've forgot to mention. All in all, it's a pretty desirable gadget for those who just have to have the bragging rights to being the first on the block with one.