Do household chores without the rush......
Spend time with my little neice(now fatherless) without worrying..."I need to take her back home, I gotta study that WT lesson for tomorrow!"
Hang out with my younger brother without thinking..."crap it's Monday...that lesson in the "Revelation" book ain't studying itself!"
Visit my sister without thinking......."should I see her before the meeting or after field service? Time is pretty short."
Eat dinner without worrying about being caught up on the latest issues of "The Watchtower" and "Awake"
Be sick without being concerned about how many meetings I will miss.
Go visit my out of town family(non JWs) without worrying that they'll contaminate my thoughts.
Go out on a Friday night without worrying about being home early so I can get up at 5:00AM for field service.
Got out on Saturday night without worrying about being home early so I can go to the meeting Sunday.
Count on my Weeknights being available so that I can use them for recreation and relaxation instead of either being at a meeting or preparing for one.
Read my Bible without being rushed
Read my Bible without Watchtower influence.
Take the time to really THINK.
Get a second job
Take any job I want that interferes with meeting nights(i've passed up so many)
Make REAL friends
Use the holidays for rest, relaxation, and recreation instead of door-to-door work.
Go back to college without worrying about all the gossip.
Actually have a free 5 minutes and not feel I must devote it to some WT activity.
Buy a car without worrying if it's "field service friendly".
Get to know my family alot better(not immediate family)
And these are just a few things I can think of right now. I wonder how I will feel when i'm completely unshackled by the org???