Revealing article by Ex Terrorist

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron


    In summary, he claims that terrorism has nothing to do with Iraq or foreign policy or whatever. It's just

    about religious fanaticism, pure and simple. A strong argument for secularists/atheists.


  • Warlock

    Well, let's see what kind of spin the America haters put on it.


  • OICU8it2

    Absolutely, Warlock, about blaming ourselves. Yesterday on the liberal CNN was an interview with and author stating they do not hate us because of our freedom but due to British and American imperialism. What imperialism in this century? The left will be the first to go if Islamo-fascists have their way. We cannot fight a war anymore due to the weak knee'd left wing fairy cowards in the USA. To them, the Constitution is a suicide pact. The other day our Dick Durbin in the US Senate lamented the existence of talk radio, wanting to silence if with the so-called fairness doctrine. This Stalinist tactic from the mouth of the very one who called Abu Graeb (sp.) a Gulag. They make me sick.

  • Gordy

    There was two people (forgotten their names) on TV program this afternoon. One written a book about Islam and the West , the other a columnist for a newspaper.

    They were saying that we cannot use Iraq and Afghanistan as the excuse for what some Muslims are doing. It started well before these back in the 1970's when Aytollah Khomenei (?) declared the West an enemy of Islam.

    There are certain Islamic groups who have become fanatical in their hatred for the Western way of life. They see it as opposed to the true religion and way of life of Islam. So according to their beliefs must be removed and a total Islamic state established.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I was debating endlessly with Frankiespeakin and Brinjen on whether Bush should be brought to justice. I even told them that if I was a terrorist I would love the way they think. Old Frankie Keeps taking rag articles from the enquirer and such like, and sides with Michael Moorer to this day. They just don't get it. It reached a point that I had pesented so much logic that was irrefutrable and they wouldn't concede anything and continue to blame America. That is why I stopped debating with them.

    Thank you for this wonderful article from the horses mouth. Not that they, or anyone else are even remotely going to listen. I'm Canadian and have been defending America patriotically. But at least the record on this board shows I have been correct from the start. Maybe Frankie and Brinjen would like to debate these issues with this Muslim fellow. He could use a good laugh I'm sure.

  • greendawn

    And they say that Islam is a religion of peace which it certainly isn't given the many conquest and war mongering verses that it contains. Fortunately an ex Moslem fanatic has admitted as much and given his fellow religionists some good advice on avoiding obsolete models of administration.

    I suppose stoning people to death and cutting off hands are medieval practices that have no place in the modern world. But the Mullah's can't get over the letter of (their) law.

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    In regard to Hassan Butt, Anas Altikriti had this to say in the Guardian:

    Now that he has changed sides, rather than see the error in the methodology and ideology to which he once subscribed and which he peddled for years, he has adopted the posture of extremist once again - and is hurling abuse once more, albeit from the opposite side.

    Throughout my life, I have been part of a deeply religious family from which I learned to question, to analyse, to criticise and never to follow blindly. Throughout my life, and since the days when my father fled Iraq after being persecuted by the Ba'athist intelligence agencies in 1970, I have found that violence is the means of the weak, the coward and the one who has no intellectual resources with which to defend his or her argument. I was taught from a very early age, and then went on to teach myself, that Islam rejects violence unless in a clear and unquestionable case of self-defence. Otherwise, I read in the prophetic heritage (Hadith) that to be wrongfully killed is far better than to be a killer.

    For Hassan Butt to now accuse this ideology of mine and of more than a billion Muslims around the world, or to lay the blame for the breakdown in security and social harmony with Islamic theology or the verses of the Qur'an, which he and his fellow extremists not only failed to read or properly interpret, but skewed for their own agendas, is false, misleading and dangerous.

    However, our gains were compromised, and our success considerably undermined in the wake of 9/11 and the launch of the "war on terror". I know it because I continue to talk with youngsters who feel that they have no footing within the structure of society, and feel that they are misfits and aliens. It is not the Qur'an that tells them that the only way is to kill non-Muslims. Most of them hardly ever read the Qur'an or frequent mosques. It is the preachers of hate who show them images of slaughtered children in Palestine, raped women in Iraq, burnt-down homes in Afghanistan, and instruct them that it is their duty to avenge those victims by unleashing terror and destruction on the streets of London, Glasgow and Birmingham.

    As the new buzzword of evil is now "Islamist", this Islamist asserts that while it would be too simplistic, and possibly even wrong, to lay the blame entirely on this country's foreign policy for the terror threat under which we all live, it is almost beyond question that the government's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as its unethical policies in Palestine, Lebanon and elsewhere, have contributed towards the significant resurgence that Hassan Butt's former peers now enjoy.

    It also the government's failings in identifying the source of the problem and its launch of a vicious attack - with the unconditional support of large sectors of the media - against the very organisations, groups and individuals who have been heavily involved in combating the rise of extremism throughout Britain, and who had long suffered the verbal and physical brutality of Hassan Butt's former associates. So, to him and to all those who continue to peddle the same old mantra, we do disown and renounce violence, as Muslims and as human beings. We have done so all along and will continue to do so as a result of our religious and humanitarian obligations - and not because we've just realised the error of our ways as a result of your newly-discovered enlightened ideas.

    The call to change the face of Islam, attacking Islamic doctrine through the copy-and-paste methodology that falsely makes the Qur'an seem like a book of evil, is unjust and disingenuous. Criticising organisations and individuals who have been fighting an internal war against extremism - while continually being stabbed in the back by misguided government policies and media prejudice - will not solve the problem. Not to recognise this is to put in jeopardy everyone's safety and security, and ultimately our society's aspirations for success and prosperity.



  • Mum

    To a tyrant, any excuse is good enough.

    - Aesop

  • Merry Magdalene
    Merry Magdalene

    To a tyrant, any excuse is good enough.

    - Aesop

    Reading that comment reminded me of something I just read earlier today--

    A person once asked the Prophet Muhammad: What is the highest form of striving in Allah's cause [jihad]? He replied: Speaking the truth to a tyrant.


  • betterdaze

    ***It started well before these back in the 1970's***

    Actually, it started back with the British Mandate(s) of Mesopotamia and Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire following Word War I.

    Do your homework about the history of the region from the post-WWI era and European treaties that carved up the wealth of the region for its own largesse, while disregarding long standing ethnic and religious disputes, and work your way forward, please.

    Then add the militaristic and apartheid State of Israel to the mix, and it *really* gets interesting.


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