you know, i would hate to calculate, for myself or for you.....: 
the thousands of hours spent in the ministry as a pioneer, a auxiliary pioneer, and publisher
the thousands of hours spent preparing for, studying for the meetings and parts and ministry
the thousands of hours spent at the meetings themselves, conventions, assemblies.
the thousands of hours spent at Quick Builds, Bethel, Assembly Halls volunteering my labor (whether physical or administrative)
the hundreds, maybe thousands of hours spent in elders meetings, judicial committees, special meetings with the CO, etc
the thousands of hours spent traveling to all of these things.
the money lost from all the vacation days taken, the leaves of absences taken(paid and unpaid), the personal days taken..
the cumulative costs of not planning for retirement, not having a pension, IRA, 401K, stocks or anything because "the end was coming soon"
the cost of waiting 20+ years to finally go to college....lost potential in increased advancement, better (less physical) jobs.
all of the money donated to the Borg that is now going to pay settlements for pedophile Witnesses...
YET, I feel really sorry for someone I still consider a friend (although she no longer speaks to me) who is a single pioneer sister, been regular pioneering for over 25 years...still doing it. gave up her youth, her career dreams of going into the drafting field.....seems to have given up any real thoughts of marrying a real man instead of a "titled" so-called Brother. She still struggles unnecessarily...i think she doesnt do the house cleaning thing anymore..but how long did she have to do that? she is in her mid 40' savings, no retirement, nothing...her wasted sacrifices are even greater than any I EVER made....and for what? ABSOLUTELY FU*KI*G NOTHING
to her are still beautiful and smart...I wish I could say this also to her: its not to late to get the hell out...go to school, follow your dream...or at least stop pioneering and live life before you get too old and unhealthy to enjoy it and regret the time you have wasted.
So, yes, I gave a lot...but many, including her.... and many here on the board, gave so much more.... My hats off to you if you finally cut your losses and ran.
....and if you are a lurking JW...get out the calculator...the math is not pretty.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "doesnt like the New Math any better than the New Light" Sheep Class)