I sure hope soon. DAMN soon. I hope they see red ink on every a$$embly, as people stop donating before the closing session (since they are going to have a deficit then either way), and that stops them from getting this spiritual monosodium glutamate to the Third World. From there, I hope the governments and citizens begin an education campaign in the Third World about this cult that will suck an already poor people even drier.
Also, I hope they lose so many people in the States that they are not able to be effective in conducting WatchtowerBible studies. As more of them look up apostate Web sites, the conductors will not be able to stop them. And the studies drop out, often taking the conductors out with them. Let that happen, and the money will dry up sooner than later. And when the Big Push for 2014 comes, they will have nothing to work with. Let them go belly-up--hopefully those pedophile suits will speed that day up.