They knocked this morning, dog was NOT happy.

by Odrade 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    This morning an older gentleman knocked on our door to give us the leaflet invite to the D.C. which is being held locally this year. My husband answered because I was still in my oh-so-sexy stretched out hot pink pajamas. Neither of us recognized him, but I knew the name because my parents talk about him sometimes (friends.) He started off by saying something about knowing we were (my parent's) kids. My husband answered "yes, my wife is their daughter." Then he gave us the stupid flyer and tried a little to pressure us into going. Well, not really "us" since I was standing down the hall just out of sight. My husband was nice and polite.

    My dog, OTOH, waited until we weren't looking after setting the leaflet down:


  • loosie

    Good dog. Give him a treat

  • Gretchen956

    Dogs are smart we should pay attention to what they try to tell us more often!

    Dontcha just love the "I know your family" tactic? My folks set them on me one time years ago. That didn't go over at all like they expected.

    Where's the DC at? Hadn't heard it was local.


  • nvrgnbk

    Dogs are smart we should pay attention to what they try to tell us more often!

  • OnTheWayOut

    What did she say after mentioning her sexy stretched out hot pink pajamas?
    What's with the dog picture?

  • Odrade

    OTWO, maybe this will dampen your ardor for stretched out hot pink jamms: JEEHOOOOOVAAAAAHHHHHH!

    heehee. Gretchen: Memorial coliseum this weekend. The joy! the excitement! whoohoo! *gag*

    I peeked out the window at the departing JW, it was a whole cargroup in our neighborhood, three older guys and two little boys. Wouldn't you know it the two little boys were "working" together by themselves. I doubt the older one was more than 11.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I guess the dog is smarter than most dubs.

  • PopeOfEruke

    What sort of freak is that dog? He is brown but he has a huge red tail with black spots???


  • bigdreaux

    good dog, good boy, yes, yes, that's a good doggy.

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover

    If Rover went to the DC, having accepted the invite, he would probably be more intelligent than all the speakers combined. It would only bore him silly. Tell him to give it a miss.


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