So everyone always goes on about how terrible baal worshipers were, sacrificing their children to him etc. Do not parents therefore, of children who die from not accepting blood, carry out a very similar act. Essentially, they allow their children to die just to please their god, and would be praised for standing firm right to the end, as they stood by and watched their child slowly slip away, knowing that they could save their life at any time. The sense of guilt would no doubt be unbearable if such parents then came to the understanding that the religion was false.
Child sacrifice
by veen 16 Replies latest jw friends
good point and I know you're coming from the religious aspect, but we as a human race sacrifice our children on other fronts too (sometimes our adult children) to war, or ignorant moms who have a child or two and then hook up with an abusive man and have his child and in a rage, kills the kids who aren't his, OR after warnings to parents who have guns in the house, to keep them where their kids can't have access to them, and the parents ignore the warnings, and their children kill themselves accidentally or their friends who they are showing the gun to.
It's a very strong accusation to make but it seems disturbingly true.
I'm certain that Jeremiah 7: 31 expresses how Jehovah feels about the JW babies and children who have died as a result of the WTS's fanatical blood policy. -
38 Years
they allow their children to die just to please their god, and would be praised for standing firm right to the end, as they stood by and watched their child slowly slip away, knowing that they could save their life at any time.
Well said. After I became a mom, I already knew what decision I would make for my son. I would give permission for a blood transfusion or any other type of medical care to save his life. When I had surgery, I told them I was a Witness but gave them permission to give blood if they absolutely needed to. There is no way my son would lose his mother. I would worry about what the elders had to say later. I felt very guilty, but if I saved my child, I would be well worth any punishment from heaven and earth. It's selfish to sacrifice a life by denying medical care to save your own butt through Armegeddon.
One of my greatest regrets was raising my children around JWs. My oldest son no longer speaks to me because he's a JW and I'm Not. This in my Opinion, was a Sacrifice of my First Born to False Religion. He really isn't Living.
In addition to the whole "blood issue" and children, I believe the JW sacrifice their children in another way. Every time I see a child being baptized at the Assemblies/Conventions I see that as a sacrifice.
It's a sobering thought......but my observation is that the situation is nowhere near this "Black and white."
Few, if any JW's would willingly see their children die. As a group, they are as fiercely protective as any other parents.
Their "blindspot" lies in the fact that they have been convinced that transfusion is bad medicine that has never saved anybody's life and in fact has actually caused a great deal of untimely death. When they are told by medical personal that a child will die without a transfusion, they truly from the depths of their soul do not believe it and even after the fact are still in denial.
If JW's were to ever actually see the reality of the situation (As you see it) I would almost feel sorry for those evil old men in Patterson
Hey, TD! I just realized that your avatar comes from the movie Paprika. On the topic: Remember that JWs don't see it as a sacrifice because they believe in the resurrection. The *real life*, according to them, starts in the New System (tm). The WTS keeps putting all those New Testament examples of martyrdom before the rank and file, most of whom still swallow hook, line, and sinker. What a waste.
Dave -
I just had this discussion yesterday.
In days gone by, the priest would hold up the baby for sacrifice to the God's and then slit it's throat or throw it off the mountain. It was an honor for your child to serve the mighty one.
Today, we abhor such practice and child sacrifice is called murder.
A JW holds it child up for sacrifice. When a doctor tells a parent that a blood transfusion will save the child's life, the JW parent throws the child off the mountain in honor of the mighty one(s).
Both babies are dead. Both in the name of religion. Both sacrificed.
How do we insist that the first is wrong but condone the second? How do we disallow the first in the name of religion but allow the second on religious grounds?
Hey Dave,
Good eye. I watched Paprika with my teen-aged daughter a couple of weekends ago.
Even within the topsy turvy world of JW theology, martyrdom is only martyrdom if it's your own life. When the life of a child, aged parent, adult of diminished responsibility etc. is deliberately sacrificed, it's murder.
The JW faith is screwed up for sure, but they still believe that murder is wrong, that murderers will not inherit God's kingdom and that taking the life of an innocent has been one of the most detestible things to God since the time of Cain and Abel. These three statements can all be found in JW literature and no JW will deny them.
The JW parent organization has completely removed the specter of murder and the concept of child sacrifice in the mind of JW's by convincing them that the administration of blood would not save life anyway. JW parents truly, honestly do not believe they are sacrificing their children's lives. (Even though one could say that in effect, that is the end result.)
(There are exJW parents on this board right now who have lost their children to the transfusion medicine taboo. --Threads like this strike me as over the top; bordering on cruel.)