What do you think the JWs will be doing on the 4th of July?

by Blindbutnowisee 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    What am I, a good little Jdubbie, going to be doing on this 4th of July?:

    What else...disturbing family gatherings...knocking on doors. You know most people are more likely to be home...

    NO SILLY, NOT FIELD SERVICE! I am a field bill collector....I am doing my paperwork now. If I have not made my percentages, I will probably have to go door knocking today, getting people to pay their bills (and what I collect on, people WANT to keep, ESPECIALLY on a holiday when they are home)

    I am hoping that I have already made my percentages (Wednesday is the last day of the work week for me) and can take the day off.

    Yesterday (7/3), I was out door knocking (COLLECTING MONEY NOT CONVERTS) and ran into some other door knockers...YEP...Dubs! I was hoping it was not a close friend since I was in his territory, it was his day off work and his usual FS day. Nope, just 3 young people (looked like early 20s)....one young guy was working by himself and another young couple were working together....so either the young couple was dating and he was the chaperone, or they were a very young married couple and he was odd man out at the group.... they were a few doors away from where I had just gone. I thought about telling them the householder was not home (they werent), but I decided they needed the excercise...let them find out themselves. (I always liked NH's...meant I did not have to talk to anyone) The young guy looked at me from the door, but I could tell he was not sure where he had seen me before (I was wearing a baseball cap)....I am certain he had seen me before...I had given a talk in his hall in the last year or so!

    The young woman was a hottie. Too bad she was wasting her time in service to the Borg. (I'd like to take her in "service"....mmmmm..bad snake) They did not look like they were enjoying themselves...no usual happy patter, no happy smiles. Just watching their shoulders hunched over just a bit told me they really wanted to be somewhere else. Since it was about 930, they had just gotten started..you could tell this was their first house and first street. Both brothers in suits (JACKETS still on).... I remember that was me...except I always took my jacket off, even with the CO around.... (funny story another time)

    Isnt it sad, that the dubbies dont know they are enslaved? They will never have true freedom as long as they are in? I still have a toe in the trap of the Borg....but this 4th of July, I am celebrating my near Independence....from the Borg...

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "Happy Freedom to Think" Sheep Class)

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