Why is that at conventions and assemblies a big point is made of introducing speakers by name, when the writers of the magazine articles and outlines are kept quite?
Names of Speakers
by IMHO 16 Replies latest jw friends
Its their only second of glory.
Brothers and Sisters, lets give our undivided attention to brother soandso from SuchandSuch congregation.
AND, its the only way you know one speaker is any different than another. they all have that same monotone voice, till the end of the talk and they get REAL loud.
They have wittled away at this over the last few years. Now the programs are one size fits all, as they used to have the names of the dudes giving the talks. I have noticed over the past couple of years that they will introduce the speaker but not what congregation he was from. That's probably as far as they can take it. I doubt they will go as far as having some anonymous guy walk on stage and give a talk, although you never know. Why not just record all the talks at Bethel in that stilted midwestern monotone they use on the WT cds and play them over the sound system?
Why is that at conventions and assemblies a big point is made of introducing speakers by name, when the writers of the magazine articles and outlines are kept quite?
Most of the audience knows that the material is not from the speaker but is carefully crafted by the WT Society. The Society is still being idolized, the local dub is just a mouthpiece (free labor to get their message across).
Why not just record all the talks at Bethel in that stilted midwestern monotone they use on the WT cds and play them over the sound system?
That would never work, because they still want to have the emotional effect with live interviews of people giving fake or exaggerated experiences.
stilted midwestern monotone
Tristram, I like my midwestern monotone.
Tristram, I like my midwestern monotone.
Ah...but I doubt yours is "stilted."
My understanding from people I know at Bethel is that some sisters wirte the articles and are only ok'ed by brothers so maybe that's why. Also, I was told by a CO that Assembly Speakers are rated as "A" speakers, that's why they get the parts.
Also, I was told by a CO that Assembly Speakers are rated as "A" speakers, that's why they get the parts.
If that's the case, I would hate to hear the "B" or "C" speakers...
I would hate to hear the "B" or "C" speakers...
You can see them any day at your local KH.
Welcome IMHO to the forum.
I was not aware until I learned later.... the articles are not written by the FDS. Other members on the writing committee do and with input from others who research the info.
At the assemblies, I think they do it to make people feel that the speaker has some sort of "authority" - glorifies them so what they say carries more weight? I don't know. Just a suggestion. I remember it seemed to get more ooos and ahhhhs when there was a speaker from Bethel. And if it were one of the governing body it was like Christ incarnate. I was so stupid and gullible. Dang!