As a JW, did you ever stand for the national anthem ...

by Frequent_Fader_Miles 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • eddie c
    eddie c

    I remember being at a wedding reception when at the end of the night the band started playing "God save the Queen". There was an almighty scramble to find chairs,people were almost sitting on each other. It was hilarious. One of the elders ran to the band,who were looking on in amazement and asked them to stop playing. Me?,i was sitting on someones knee.. Talk about herd mentality.


  • Marcel

    i never did and i never would. its disgusting.

    anthems and standing up for them is not simple "showing respect" for your country. its some kind of religous worship and no human institution deserves this (not the WTS nor any country). after all, you cant pay the COUNTRY itself respect since its only rock and stones (you could sort your garbage instead). you worship the leaders, the ideology and stuff.

    in my opinion being a good citizen and work hard is WAY more better.

    edit: seems to be a great deal in the US, right?! it always scares the hell outta me that there are still such countries on earth. havent we learned something in the 20th century?

  • R.F.

    I always stood up.

  • stillajwexelder

    ALWAYS - even when an elder

  • WTWizard

    I was taught to avoid the National Anthem in the first place. If it did play and I was already standing because I was working, I would keep working as if any other song was playing. I never went out of my way to sit down. And I don't remember being at any event as a Witless that had this song played live.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I don't remember whether the WCG made an issue of standing for the anthem...I do remember that I did stand, whether it was because I personally thought it was ok, or because official doctrine said it was ok, I just can't recall anymore. I seem to have a vague memory of "standing only shows respect, not worship' or something like that, but again, that could have been my own thoughts.

    What I do remember is being sent to the principal's office on several different occasions for refusing to say the pledge of allegiance. Ironically, I also remember saying "I affirm" instead of "I swear" during the court sessions I was involved in, AFTER I was already DFed from the WCG, just like I had been taught. The irony being that I was DFed BECAUSE of being in court, and testifying against my parents when the state and social services removed me from home and placed me in the foster care system.

  • Paralipomenon

    Sat down if in a public place or left the classroom when they gave the announcement of the anthem.

  • Nellie

    I always stood - now I proudly pledge!

  • LeslieV

    Always, and also made my children stand.


  • sammielee24

    That was a definite no-no. I never ever stood up for the anthem and neither did any other witness that I knew. It comes as a complete surprise to read that so many of you did! swife

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