When that failed to happen they moved forward the dates of the above events, the invisible return went to 1914 and the visible to a number of changing dates according to what they perceived the last generation life span to be at each time.
Until they abandoned the generation's life span doctrine. Before that abandonment, they never
countered their teachings that led to the 1975 debacle, they just stopped reminding the JW's
that they said they didn't know the time period between Adam's creation and Eve's creation.
Once again, they could have said they were wrong, or that they miscalculated. Instead, they
said that some members over-read what they said, that their math was still right, and the end
will come according to what they said.
NOW, after establishing the unknown length of the generation and trying to establish an
indefinite length of time before the end, they see how members drift away without a sense of
urgency. So they are trying to bring back the sense of urgency. I discussed this with
TRUTHSETSONEFREE recently. The JW's over 60 years old believe in the urgency and
the JW's between 40-60 are a mixed bag of fanatics and 'retirement-minded' ones who doubt
the urgency. After those two generations, the next age groups are so much less fanatic about
the work and the urgency. They don't understand the doctrines and don't care to do the
preaching work. They are "in" but not diehard.
I think it is too late to recover most of them. The doctrinal juggling is just ignored by the
masses of members. The children are leaving in droves before adulthood or shortly after. With
the accountants cutting back on the literature, the preaching work is just 'flyer-distributing' work.
Eventually, the specialness of the work will wear off (okay- it did already). Expect 2014 to be a
horrible reminder to those current fanatics that they are wasting their lives and for some more
of them to wake up. My opinion is that old doctrines will try to be re-written before that happens.
That means that these are exciting times for the writers and readers.