It looks like the "generation that shall not pass" is almost extinct
by neverendingjourney 20 Replies latest jw friends
Frank Buckles was 13 years old in 1914.
“Jesus was obviously speaking about those who were old enough to witness with understanding what took place when the 'last days' began. ... Even if we presume that youngsters 15 years of age would be perceptive enough to realize the import of what happened in 1914, it would still make the youngest of 'this generation' nearly 70 years old today.”
Awake! 1968 October 8 p.13
Yes the WTS date-setting really got them in trouble. The 1914 "generation" that would never die out was one, and 1975 being the possible end of the "old system" was another.
Since 1995 of course, they no longer teach that the 1914 generation would live to see Armageddon. They had to back away from that, because it was becoming impossible for that to happen.
Now the WTS says the generation means the collection of people outside Jehovah's arrangement, instead of a timeframe.
So the generation that sees the end is the group of people (apart from JW's) that is alive , whenever the end comes. No timetable exists anymore.
They misled us to inflate the "end time" urgency, until the time came when they couldn't prop up the lie with more lies anymore.
That's the way it is but the JWs have tried to find a way out of that by claiming that the generation is not literal but figurative and can be indefinitely long. That's after they were propagating what they admitted was a flawed interpretation for a long time and even worse they were inciting their members to make costly changes in their lives based on that flawed understanding.
In reality it was not even flawed it was intentionally calculated that way so as to be used for manipulating and exploiting their members.
I really believe in the beginning of the WT that Russell was a sincere guy and really believed in what he was saying, he did sell his fathers stores and put that money into all his work, started of the WT. Weather we believe his doctrines or not.
However I think Rutherford became the dictator and launched the society org; money took over and today I think money has become the god of the WTBTS.
We have a few comment including an elder lately that they are surprised to see the extra money box in front of the hall, they only ever had two, one for local hall and one for world wide work, which we always were led to believe that included building new halls. This new money box is specificly for the building work, as they said they all thought that was already covered.
my parents were children at the outbreak of World War 2 !! never mind WW1 . They are in their 70s now. 2014 will be the next very embarrasing year
This number of the 1914 generation still alive will surprise you if you consider the total world population of 6.5 billion rather than a small subset. What if only 1/2 of 1% were still alive?
6,500,000,000 x .005 = ? 3,250,000
Did I do the math right?
Did I do the math right?
Yeah, you did the math right. But here is the next problem:
What if only 1/2 of 1% were still alive?
That's a BIG "what if" don't you think?
This fabulous gem from Joehovers spiritual banquet table was discarded in '94. How many new dubs since '94? Most of them never even heard of this generation thingy. Even if you showed them that watchtower cover danny posted (classic) they'd just blow it off as lying apostates. Its funny tho.
A lot of the old timers never got the memo about the generation change and still preach about it or use it in talks or comments. LOL!